Last Testament

Letter #58, 2016: The Bells of Rome, Last Conversations, #4

September 17, 2016, Saturday -- The Bells of Rome, Last Conversations #4 "Peter Seewald: When you left the Vatican in a helicopter, this also was part in some way of the entire screenplay, as it were, at least as seen from the outside. One could say that up until that moment no Pope had ascended into [...]

Letter #56, 2016: Dark Night, Last Conversations #3

September 15, 2016, Thursday -- Dark Night, Last Conversations with Pope Benedict, Letter #3 "Peter Seewald: Have you also experienced any of those 'dark nights' of which many saints speak? Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: Such powerful experiences, no. Perhaps I am not holy enough to have plumbed the depths of that obscurity. However sometimes, things happen [...]

Letter #55, 2016: "Seek His Face Always," Last Conversations #2

September 14, 2016, Wednesday -- "Seek His Face Always," Last Conversations with Pope Benedict, Letter #2 "Peter Seewald: When you find yourself before the Almighty, what will you say to Him? Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: I will ask Him to be indulgent with my wretchedness." —Passage in the first chapter of Ultime Conversazioni ("Last Conversations"), by [...]

Letter #54, 2016: Last Conversations with Pope Benedict

September 11, 2016, Sunday -- Last Conversations with Pope Benedict "Peter Seewald: The last question of these last conversations: love is one of your central themes. You dealt with the question of love as a student, as a professor, as a Pope. Where was love in your life? What was your experience: did you feel it, [...]