Liberation Theology

People – November 2013

MEETING On September 11 Pope Francis met, in a private audience, Dominican Father GUSTAVO GUTIÉRREZ, one of the founders of liberation theology and author of a book entitled Liberation Theology (1971), regarded as the manifesto of that current of thought within the Catholic Church. Father Gustavo Gutierrez is pictured in 2007 on the campus of [...]

Liberation Theology Interview with Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the most important Dicastery of the Roman Curia, has had a new prefect since July 2, 2012: for the second time in the recent history of the Catholic Church a German theologian, Gerhard Ludwig Müller, the former bishop of Regensburg, a personal friend of Benedict XVI, has been [...]

Liberation Theology Interview with Professor Rocco Buttiglione

John Paul II has gone down in history as the pope who disciplined the liberation theologians of Latin America. You played a key role in this event. Could you please tell us more about it? Professor Rocco Buttiglione: We have to start from the very first days of John Paul II’s pontificate. Before going to Poland [...]