May 2013

Pray For Me – Book Review

From the very moment of his appearance on the Vatican balcony to his emergence onto the world stage, Jorge Mario Bergoglio—now Pope Francis—has provoked wonder. Almost no one predicted he would become Pope, and now that he is Pope, few really understand him. True, reams of words have been published about Pope Francis, and speculations abound [...]

Brief History of Argentina Since the 1930s

When in 1978 Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of Krakow, was elected as the Bishop of Rome, many Catholics around the world, even Italians, did not even know where Poland was. Thanks to Pope John Paul II, the world began to be interested in his country, because it was impossible to understand the personality of the then-new [...]

Meditation – May 2013

This feast, which providentially falls on the same day as that of Our Lady of Fatima, was started by St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868) of France, who had a strong devotion to the Holy Eucharist and to Our Lady and began his priestly life in the Society of Mary. His heart burned with the desire to [...]

Pope Francis Meets Diplomats

Moral relativism “endangers the coexistence of peoples,” Pope Francis told diplomats March 22, and said a common ethics based on human nature is an indispensable condition for world peace. The Pope made his remarks to the Vatican diplomatic corps in the Apostolic Palace’s Sala Regia, the vast “royal hall” where Popes traditionally received Catholic monarchs. Recalling [...]

Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Blessing 2013

Dear brothers and sisters in Rome and throughout the world, Happy Easter! Happy Easter! What a joy it is for me to announce this message: Christ is risen! I would like it to go out to every house and every family, especially where the suffering is greatest, in hospitals, in prisons… Most of all, I would like it to [...]

First Holy Week for Francis

The first Holy Week of Pope Francis revealed his style even more: in celebration, in preaching, in presence. The decision to celebrate the Mass in coena Domini of Holy Thursday among the inmates of the juvenile detention facility of Casal del Marmo, washing the feet of twelve of them, including those of a Muslim young woman, [...]

Cardinal Kurt Koch’s Press Conference

After two months, Pope Francis’ pontificate is still in its infancy. Even for some of the cardinals who voted for him, understanding the new pontiff has been a learning process. Right after the election of the new Pope, in mid-March, many cardinal electors met with journalists to talk about the figure of the new pontiff and [...]

Life in the Domus Sanctae Marthae

Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, said the Holy Father has moved out of the room he drew by lot before the conclave and into Suite 201, a room that has slightly more elegant furnishings and a larger living room where he can receive guests. The Domus Sanctae Marthae (St. Martha’s House), the official name of the [...]

The “Pope Francis Effect”

As the new Pope starts tackling the great challenges facing the Church, each situation featuring Pope Francis is being thoroughly analyzed and commented upon. From the very first moment, Pope Francis has acted in unexpected ways, surprising all with his simplicity and humility. Some observe that this merely reflects his usual lifestyle; he is living the [...]

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