Motu Proprio

Letter #56, 2021, Friday, July 16: Guardians

    In this Thursday, April 1, 2021 file photo, Pope Francis celebrates a Chrism Mass inside St. Peter's Basilica, at the Vatican. During the Mass the Pontiff blesses a token amount of oil that will be used to administer the sacraments for the year. Pope Francis cracked down on the spread of the old Latin Mass on [...]

New JPII Pontifical Institute for Matrimonial & Family Sciences releases statement

The newly-created John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Matrimonial and Family Sciences on Tuesday released a statement regarding Pope Francis' Motu Proprio Datae summa familiae cura. The Motu Proprio was released on Tuesday, establishing the Institute to carry forward the work of the two recent Synods of Bishops and the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The 'media notes' statement is signed [...]

Pope Francis issues Motu Proprio on liturgical translations

Pope Francis issued a Motu Proprio on Saturday entitled, “Magnum principium” which refers to the translation of liturgical texts. A Motu Proprio is a special document, or apostolic letter, issued by the Pope on his own initiative and signed by him. In the document Pope Francis writes that, taking into account the experience of the Second Vatican Council with regard [...]

Letter # 36, 2015: "A just simplification"

September 8, 2015, Tuesday — "A just simplification" "The new procedures do not favor the nullity of marriages, but the expedition of trials, as well as a just simplification." —Pope Francis, in a letter published today, Septeber 8, Feast of the Birth of Mary, announcing new, simpler procedures for marital annulment cases in the Church “It [...]