Moynihan Letters

Letters to the Editor

On Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”) Thank you for forwarding by email “The Joy of Love” by Pope Francis, published on April 8. I have read it and think it is one of the finest pieces ever written. I’m hoping our community will do a study of it. God bless you. Eva D. Madison [email protected] [...]

Letter #7, 2016: A Pope-Patriarch Kirill Meeting in… Cuba?

January 26, 2016, Tuesday -- Will Pope Francis Meet Kirill in... Cuba? "Everyone knows that he is the Pope of surprises. If he wants to make a change to his schedule, he will certainly do so." —Captain Domenico Giani, head of the Vatican's security force, after visiting Mexico recently to prepare the Pope's February 12-18 visit [...]

Letter #5, 2016: The Renewal Will Come from Norcia

January 21, 2016, Thursday -- "A regression without precedent" “To create new and lasting unity (in Europe), political, economic and juridical instruments are important, but it is also necessary to awaken an ethical and spiritual renewal which draws on the Christian roots of the Continent, otherwise a new Europe cannot be built."—Pope Benedict XVI, April 9, [...]

Letter #2, 2016: Crouching at the door…

January 3, 2016, Sunday -- Pope's First Sunday Noon Angelus of the New Year "Then the Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door; and its [...]

Letter #1, 2016: Beginning with Mary

January 1, 2016, Friday -- Pope Begins 2016 with Visit to St. Mary Major "The Son of God, made incarnate for our salvation, has given us his Mother, who joins us on our pilgrimage through this life, so that we may never be left alone, especially at times of trouble and uncertainty."—Pope Francis, at a 5 [...]

Letter #59, 2015: Pope's Christmas Message: Peace

December 25, 2015, Friday -- Pope's Christmas Message: Peace "Let us allow tears of repentance to fill our eyes and cleanse our hearts."—Pope Francis, today in Rome, as part of his Christmas Day message, delivered "Urbi et Orbi," that is, literally, "To the City (Rome) and to the world," from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica [...]

Letter #37, 2015: Out of Germany

September 18, 2015, Friday — Out of Germany The danger of a division in the Roman Catholic Church -- of a schism -- is being "mentioned" increasingly in press reports on the eve of October 4-25 Bishops' Synod on Marriage and the Family in Rome. Now, an article in German which calls on the Catholic Church [...]

Letter # 36, 2015: "A just simplification"

September 8, 2015, Tuesday — "A just simplification" "The new procedures do not favor the nullity of marriages, but the expedition of trials, as well as a just simplification." —Pope Francis, in a letter published today, Septeber 8, Feast of the Birth of Mary, announcing new, simpler procedures for marital annulment cases in the Church “It [...]

Letter #34, 2015: Prison

September 3, 2015, Thursday — Prison Our special 132-page Commemorative Edition of Inside the Vatican magazine welcoming Pope Francis to America is out. Subscribe now to receive this Commemorative issue for free. Stay informed on the critical events occuring in the Catholic Church in the coming months. Don’t miss an issue! Prison “If a law is [...]

Letter #29, 2015: Thaw in Russia?

June 28, 2015, Sunday — Pope-Patriarch Meeting "On Agenda," Hilarion Says Are Rome and Moscow growing closer, despite US-led Western efforts to isolate Russia with recently renewed economic sanctions? A new interview published this morning in Italy suggests strongly that the answer is "Yes." Following a lightning visit three weeks ago (June 10) of Russian president [...]