October 2013

People – October 2013

CARDINAL DARIO CASTRILLÓN HOYOS TO CELEBRATE PONTIFICAL MASS AT ST. PETER’S The CISP (International Coordination Summorum Pontificum) has announced that His Eminence Cardinal DARIO CASTRILLÓN HOYOS will be celebrating a Pontifical High Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica on Saturday, October 26, at 11 a.m. during the pilgrimage of Summorum Pontificum supporters to Rome. Holy Mass on [...]

Nicaea: An Inspirational Epic Movie in the Making

Following in the tradition of Mel Gibson’s groundbreaking masterpiece The Passion of Christ, the film Nicaea promises to be the second in what I hope will be a growing trend in the cinematic presentations of the divine and human drama of the 2000-year history of the Roman Catholic Church. The executive producer and driving force behind [...]

Tyndaris: “The City of Mary”

During the first week of September 2011, the German National Tourist Office in New York organized a customized trip for me to Munich and Bavaria, in southern Germany, “To Follow in the Footsteps of Benedict XVI,” published as my first “Of Shrines and Sacred Places” in ITV’s October 2011 issue. Among other “Ratzinger” venues, I visited [...]

Speaking to the Cardinals in the Sistine Chapel

“At the ripe old age of 87 I am one of the elders of the College of Cardinals, but in terms of appointment I am just a baby, and because my life was always dedicated to study, my knowledge of Curia events does not go past the third grade.” Thus began the meditation that Cardinal Grech [...]

“Sport is a Gift of God”

Soccer has united, as it were, two countries on opposite sides of the ocean: Argentina and Italy. These two countries have always been closely connected, since many Italians have emigrated to Argentina and since later on a great many soccer pioneers arrived in Italy, leaving their mark. The Pope is a great sports enthusiast; as we [...]

Archbishop Fitzgerald on the Pope’s Friendly Outreach to Muslims

Pope Francis has reached out in a very friendly way to Muslims, calling them “brothers.” He has done so on a number of occasions, including at Aparecida on July 24, when he met a representative of Brazilian Muslims, and on August 11 when, from the Vatican, he extended his greeting to “the Muslims of the entire [...]

A Concert for Peace

As the world mulls over the words of Pope Francis in his latest interview to a group of Jesuit journals, the situation in Syria and the Middle East remains tense. On Saturday, September 7, Pope Francis spent five hours praying for peace in St. Peter’s Square, surrounded by 100,000 people, and followed by millions around the [...]

Catholic-Orthodox Reconciliation

In an increasingly post-Christian world where Christian faith and life are under pressure as never before, or even under literal attack, the need for unity has never been greater. Despite its historic wariness of the Vatican, the roughly 150 million member Russian Orthodox Church has extended a hand of cooperation to Rome in recent years, sending [...]

Episcopal Ordination of Konrad Krajewski and New Curial Appointments

On September 17, Feast of the Reception of the Stigmata by St. Francis, Archbishop Konrad Krajewski, new Papal Almoner (appointed on Au­gust 3) was consecrated a bishop in the Vatican Basilica by Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, president of the Governatorate of Vatican City State, together with Archbishop Władysław Ziółek, the archbishop emeritus of Łódź, Poland (where Krajewski [...]

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