
Pope at Mass: ‘Cost of war weighs on the weak’

Pope at Mass: ‘Cost of war weighs on the weak’ In his homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta on Tuesday, Pope Francis reflects on the cost of war, calling it a ‘modern-day flood’ whose price is paid by the poorest among us. Pope Francis compared the Biblical flood of Noah’s time to the many [...]

The “Misericordina” Becomes “Plus”

The Pope hands out a new version of his recommended “spiritual medicine” in Rome to heal wounded hearts and souls “Lent is a good time to travel a path of conversion that has mercy at its center. Because of this, I’ve decided to give to those who are here in the Piazza a ‘spiritual medicine’ called [...]

"I Was a Stranger and You Took Me In…” The Papal Almoner

Pope Francis greets one of eight poor people at his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Dec. 17, the pope's 78th birthday. A group of the poor were invited to the audience in celebration of the pope's birthday. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) The Pope has asked a Polish archbishop to be his [...]

On "The Gift of a Poor Heart"

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning... on such a beautiful, sunny day! The Gospel passage of this Sunday is composed of two parts: one that describes how not to be followers of Christ; the other proposes an ideal model of a Christian. Let's start first: what not to do. In the first part, Jesus criticizes the [...]