Pope John XXIII

Letter #76, 2022, Thursday, June 16: “Restorers”

    "Restorationism has come to gag the Council [Pope Francis referring to the Second Vatican Council, 1962-1965]. The number of groups of 'restorers' – for example, in the United States there are many – is significant." —Pope Francis, in a May 19 conversation in Rome with Jesuit magazine editors from a number of countries. The full [...]

The Christmas of God’s Mercy

This Christmas, the Church will also be celebrating during the special “Holy Year of Mercy” called by Pope Francis. What does mercy mean to this Pope? A great deal, for he experienced mercy himself, and it changed him forever... “When I see the sick, the elderly, a caress comes spontaneously to me. A caress is... the [...]

Anniverseries, Ordinations & Restorations

ANNIVERSARIES Pope John XXIII. On October 3, Pope Francis attended a commemorative conference marking the 50th anniversary of Blessed John XXIII’s encyclical PACEM IN TERRIS (“Peace on Earth”). The Pacem in Terris conference was organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Rome Oct. 2-4. Pacem in Terris, published in 1963, was [...]

Three Popes of Inside The Vatican

“I arrived in Italy on the same day as Bob — on May 17, 1984. He arrived in Rome by plane from the United States; I entered northern Italy by bus from Poland. I wanted to be at Monte Cassino on May 18, but the pilgrimage was organized in such a way that we were there [...]

How the Canonization Process Works

Pope Pius XII St. Pius X (Pope from 1903 to 1914) was the last Pope to be canonized. Now, after almost six decades, causes for the last five Popes, with the exception of Benedict XVI, have been initiated. Don’t you think that’s too many? And why almost all at the same time? Don Nicola [...]