
When Saying ‘He Is a Sinner,’ Ask Yourself ‘And What Am I?’

“How many times we say: “But he is a sinner, he has done this, and that …”, and we judge others. And you? Each one of us should ask himself: Yes, he is a sinner, and I?” Pope Francis observed this during his address at this morning’s General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, while stressing that [...]

God Will Make Our Scarlet Sins White Like Snow

At General Audience, Also Warns Corrupt Benefactors That Church Doesn’t Want ‘Dirty Money,’ But Opening of Hearts to God’s Mercy Our sins, even if they are red like scarlet, will be made white like snow. Pope Francis said this during this morning’s General Audience, as he continued his catechesis on Divine Mercy. The Jesuit Pontiff began [...]

"Repent! It sums up the message of John the Baptist."

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! In today's Gospel, there is a question posed three times: "What should we do?" (Lk 3,10.12.14). Three categories of people raise it to John the Baptist: first, the crowd in general; second, the publicans, or tax collectors; and, third, some soldiers. Each of these groups questions the prophet on what [...]