Robert Sarah

Letter #66, 2016: It Begins

November 14, 2016, Monday -- It Begins "Following the publication of your Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, theologians and scholars have proposed interpretations that are not only divergent, but also conflicting, above all in regard to Chapter VIII. Moreover, the media have emphasized this dispute, thereby provoking uncertainty, confusion, and disorientation among many of the faithful." --from [...]

Letter #64, 2016: Vatican Pravda?

October 18, 2016, Tuesday - Vatican Pravda? "With an article worthy of Pravda, the Vatican Insider website today presents its readers the equation 'traditionalist Catholic' = 'enemy of Bergoglio' = 'lover of Putin.'" —Francesco Colafemmina, an Italian Catholic philologist with a love for sacred art and architecture (link). In a new article entitled "Vatikan Pravda," Colafemmina [...]

Letter #46, 2016: Sarah’s Remarkable Talk

May 26, 2016, Thursday -- Cardinal Sarah's Remarkable Talk Last Week in Washington Cardinal Sarah Issues a Powerful Warning... "The battle to preserve the roots of mankind is perhaps the greatest challenge our world has faced since its origins." —Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Holy See's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the [...]

Letter #45, 2016: A New Interview

May 18, 2016, Wednesday -- Francis, His Interviews, and the "Re-Branding" of the Church Francis Interviewed Again, This Time by La Croix, a French Paper... "We need to speak of 'roots' in the plural because there are so many. In this sense, when I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the [...]

Letter #22, 2016: Ukraine: An Ambassador's Visit

April 6, 2016, Wednesday -- A Religious "Off-Ramp" for Ukraine? US Ambassador Pyatt Visits Rome An American official has made a quiet, important visit to the Vatican to discuss the situation in Ukraine. In a visit that has received no press attention up until now, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt (photo) was in Rome [...]

Letter #43, 2015: Apostasy

October 12, 2015, Monday — Apostasy “It is our very sleepiness to the presence of God that renders us insensitive to evil: we don’t hear God because we don’t want to be disturbed.” —Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City, April 20, 2011, General Audience “The attempts made through the ages to extinguish the light of God, to [...]

Letter #32, 2015: Eleven Cardinals and a Pope

August 26, 2015, Wednesday — Eleven Cardinals and a Pope Introductory note We have just come out with a special 132-page Commemorative Edition of Inside the Vatican magazine, welcoming Pope Francis to America. At the center of the issue is a beautiful, deeply moving Photo Essay on "The Beatitudes of Pope Francis." This Photo Essay alone [...]