
A Hungarian Franciscan Who Helps Abandoned Children

#5 Father Csaba Böjte A Hungarian Franciscan who helps abandoned children "To free my fellows from the chains of fear and little faith..." “Every child is a message for humanity: God loves us. Raising a child is an encounter with God. Jesus said: if someone adopts one of the smallest, receive myself,” says Father Csaba Böjte, [...]

Pope at Audience: Walking together in the richness of diversity

Pope Francis during his General Audience Pope Francis reflects on his recent Apostolic Visit to Romania during his Wednesday General Audience, saying it was a joy to be able to walk as a pilgrim among the Romanian people. June 5, 2019 During his Catechesis at the Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis recalled his recent [...]

Letter #45, 2015: The Best Talk at the Synod

October 19, 2015, Thursday — The Best Talk at the Synod "My father was a Christian political leader, who was imprisoned by the communists for 17 years. My parents were engaged to marry, but their wedding took place 17 years later. My mother waited all those years for my father, although she didn’t even know if [...]