Same-Sex Marriage

Defending the Triangle

Demonstrators protesting a same-sex marriage bill outside the parliament building in London on June 3, 2013. The House of Lords was debating a bill to allow two people of the same gender to marry in England and Wales. The House of Commons approved the bill in May 2013 (CNS photo/Toby Melville, Reuters) The anthropology [...]

Letter #26, 2015: Marriage Ruling

June 26, 2015, Friday — US Supreme Court Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage in All 50 States "Marriages" between two men or two women today were "legalized" in all 50 states of the United States -- even in states which had forbidden it up to now -- following a 5-4 US Supreme Court ruling released this morning, June [...]

Letter #1: “Same-sex Marriage”: What’s at Stake?

January 3, 2013, Thursday -- Cardinal George's Analysis The Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago, Francis George, O.M.I., has published a clear, thoughtful, "must read" analysis of "what is at stake" in the approval by some states in the United States -- in his case, in Illinois -- of homosexual marriages as legal. Here below is the text [...]