Santa Marta

Pope at Mass: ‘sin ages the soul, the Spirit keeps it young’

Pope Francis celebrates Mass at the Casa Santa Marta (Vatican Media) Pope Francis says “sadness is not a Christian attitude”. Speaking to the faithful at morning Mass he commented on how it is possible to overcome the difficulties of life with the support and closeness of the Holy Spirit. May 28, 2019 Pope Francis [...]

Pope at Mass: St. Paul, hard-headed but not hard-hearted

Pope Francis preaches at the morning Mass (Vatican Media) In his homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta on Friday, Pope Francis invites Christians to be docile to the voice of the Lord, after the model of St. Paul. May 10, 2019 Taking his cue from the conversion of St. Paul on the [...]

Three graces

“To recognize spiritual desolation, to pray when we experience this state of spiritual desolation and to know how to accompany people who are suffering difficult times of sadness and spiritual desolation”. In his homily at the Mass he celebrated at Santa Marta on Tuesday morning, 27 September, Pope Francis recommended that we ask the Lord for [...]

Conferences won't achieve peace if the heart is at war

Resuming the daily Mass at the Casa Santa Marta after the summer break, Pope Francis, in his homily, spoke about the importance of working for peace in small, daily actions – because, he said, it is in small daily gestures that peace on a global scale is born. It is not so much great international meetings [...]

The Spirit Has Been Surprising the Church Since the Beginning

At Casa Santa Marta, considers the Council of Jerusalem described in Acts There is always resistance to the surprises of the Spirit, but it’s the Spirit who continues to lead the Church forward. That was Pope Francis’ message at Mass today at the Santa Marta chapel as he reflected on the reading about division and resistance [...]