
Pope at Angelus: Welcoming those at our door brings peace and hope

Pope waves to pilgrims in St Peter's Square during the Angelus (Vatican Media) At the Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis speaks of the importance of not feeling burdened when offering a warm welcome and a sense of fraternity to those in need as a way of combining contemplation and action. By Francesca Merlo Pope [...]

Courageous women

There are two “attitudes” that are unequivocal “signs” of being a Christian: ‘joyful service’ and “reaching out to others”. In the Mass he celebrated on Tuesday, 31 May, in the Chapel of Santa Marta, Pope Francis offered advice for Christians who “believe they are sufficient” but in reality “are not entirely so”. He invited them to [...]

Humility, Detachment, and Trust: “What should the Church be like?"

What are the features of the People of God? What should the Church be like? This was the theme of Pope Francis’ meditation for the Mass at Santa Marta on Tuesday, 15 December. In the day’s passage from the Gospel according to Matthew (21:28-32), Jesus states to the chief priests and elders: “Truly, I say to [...]