St. John Paul II

Pope Francis reflects on Colombia Visit

Pope Francis dedicated his General Audience remarks to his recent Apostolic Visit to Colombia, which concluded on Sunday. After thanking the many people who helped make his Visit possible, Pope Francis said one of the most striking things on his visit was the many fathers and mothers who brought their children to see the Pope, and to be blessed by [...]

Pope Francis Homily for Mass at the Shrine of St. John Paul II

On Saturday morning, at the Sanctuary of St John Paul II in Krakow, Pope Francis offered the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for priests, religious men and women, consecrated persons, and seminarians. The words of the Gospel we have just heard (cf. Jn 20:19-31) speak to us of a place, a disciple and a book. The [...]

The Ineffable Majesty of Holy Communion

"Crucifixion," Opera di Lorenzo Monaco, Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence A reflection on the Eucharist, and on the solemnity of our devotion when receiving Holy Communion, by a Bishop from Kazakhstan Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Astana, Kazakhstan, has for some years been making a name for himself as one of the staunchest defenders in the [...]

Letter #20, 2016: Holy Saturday

March 26, 2016, Saturday - Holy Saturday The Silence of the Lord "In the hours of Holy Saturday, a great silence overtakes the Church. Our silence commemorates that God in Christ descended to where no human word is uttered or heard— the silence of the grave. Yet even in that silence God is speaking. "In fact, [...]

Interview with Professor Guzman Carriquiry on Francis

Professor Guzman Carriquiry Lecour has served the Holy See for 43 years. He recently celebrated his 70th birthday (April 20, congratulations!). He is currently secretary of the Holy See’s Pontifical Commission for Latin America — the first layperson to serve in that role (since May 2011), just as he was the first ever layperson to be [...]