St Peter

The Devil is behind every persecution

During his homily at Mass on Friday, Pope Francis reflected on how the Devil is the cause of all forms of persecution: from cultural colonization to war, hunger, and slavery. Today, said Pope Francis, we are not only witnessing the persecution of Christians, but of every man and woman, "through cultural colonization, war, hunger, and slavery". [...]

Pope Francis celebrates Mass in Bogota

“Artisans of Peace, Promoters of Life” Pope Francis celebrated his first public Mass on Colombian soil on Thursday evening at the Simon Bolivar Park ‎in Bogota, encouraging Colombians‎ to keep trusting in Christ in the ‎difficult journey towards peace and reconciliation. He pointed to the figure of St. Peter in the day’s Gospel who heeded to [...]

Cardinal Pietro Parolin on goals of 4-day Russia visit

Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, who is on a 4-day visit to Russia, gave a wide-ranging interview with the Russian state news agency TASS, ahead of his arrival on Monday. Cardinal Parolin speaks at length about the aims of his visit to Moscow and gives his views on various international issues. Q: Your Eminence, this [...]

Letter #8, 2017: The New York Times and Steve Bannon

February 7, 2017, Tuesday -- The New York Times and Steve Bannon "Vatican Traditionalists See Hero in Trump Aide." —Headline of a New York Times front-page article today (link) which argues that "Vatican Traditionalists" see US President Donald Trump's top aide and "strategic advisor," the Irish American Catholic and former Breitbart News executive Steve Bannon, as [...]

Pope's Georgia visit can help promote inter-Church relations

Georgia’s ambassador to the Holy See says she believes the Pope’s recent visit to her country can help promote better relations with other Christian Churches. (Vatican Radio) Tamara Grdzelidze, an Orthodox theologian and former official at the World Council of Churches, told Vatican Radio she was saddened by some of the negative media coverage of the two [...]