The Poor

Pope at Mass: “Where is your brother?”

Reflecting on the episode of Cain and Abel in the Bible, Pope Francis in his homily at Mass on Monday said we are asked many uncomfortable questions regarding our brothers. “Where is your brother?” This is the question that God asks each one of us in our hearts regarding our brother who is sick, in prison [...]

The “Misericordina” Becomes “Plus”

The Pope hands out a new version of his recommended “spiritual medicine” in Rome to heal wounded hearts and souls “Lent is a good time to travel a path of conversion that has mercy at its center. Because of this, I’ve decided to give to those who are here in the Piazza a ‘spiritual medicine’ called [...]

The Theology of Poverty: "Poverty is at the heart of the Gospel”

The focus of Pope Francis’ homily during Mass at Santa Marta on Tuesday, 16 June, was the “theology of poverty”. The Pontiff’s reflection began from the passage of the Second Letter to the Corinthians (8:1-9), in which St Paul “is organizing, in the Church of Corinth, a collection for the Church of Jerusalem, which is experiencing [...]