
Letter #32, 2021, Wednesday, June 9: Putin-Biden

    Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and American President Joe Biden are scheduled to meet in Geneva, Switzerland, on June 16, in one week     Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev (above), a key figure in the Russian Church, has spoken in cautiously hopeful terms about the upcoming meeting of the American and Russian presidents     Letter #32, 2021, [...]

Pope to Russian Orthodox delegation: ‘Path of unity leads to peace’

Pope Francis receives in audience a Delegation of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow and says he is praying for unity. Pope Francis on Wednesday received a delegation from the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate in Moscow and expressed hope for full Christian unity, saying it is the path to peace. Expressing his wish to follow “the path of unity”, the [...]

Catholic theologian urges closer ties with Russian Orthodox

15 Feb 2017 – By Jonathan Luxmoore OXFORD, England (CNS) — A prominent Catholic ecumenist has urged a better understanding of the Russian Orthodox Church. “Those suspicious of the Russian Orthodox stance should go and see what’s happening,” said Barbara Hallensleben, a consultor with the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. “Of course, nationalist and [...]

On The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! We have heard the biblical text that, this year, guides the reflection during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, which is going on this week, from January 18th to 25th. The passage from the First Letter of Saint Peter was chosen by an ecumenical group of Latvia, requested by [...]

On the thirst for Unity: "May Jesus' thirst increasingly become our thirst!"

Dear brothers and sisters, Today's Gospel presents the beginning of Jesus' preaching in Galilee. Saint Mark highlights that Jesus began to preach "after John [the Baptist] had been arrested" (1,14). Precisely in this moment in which the prophetic voice of the Baptizer, who announced the coming of the Kingdom of God, is silenced by Herod, Jesus [...]

Catholic-Orthodox Reconciliation

In an increasingly post-Christian world where Christian faith and life are under pressure as never before, or even under literal attack, the need for unity has never been greater. Despite its historic wariness of the Vatican, the roughly 150 million member Russian Orthodox Church has extended a hand of cooperation to Rome in recent years, sending [...]

Two Days of Celebrations in St. Peter’s Square

With humor and passion, Pope Francis on the vigil of Pentecost shared highlights of his personal faith journey and explained some key points of his teaching to an enthusiastic crowd of representatives from Catholic lay movements. Celebrating the Pentecost vigil with an estimated 200,000 people singing, chanting and waving their groups’ banners, Pope Francis focused on [...]