Victor Manuel Fernandez

Letter #48, 2016: The Passing of Capovilla

May 27, 2016, Friday -- The Passing of Capovilla Cardinal Loris Capovilla Passes Away At The Age Of 100 "There was a second envelope." —The late Cardinal Loris Capovilla, speaking to me in his residence in Sotto il Monte in early 2007, when I asked him why the letter of the Third Secret of Fatima held [...]

Letter #17, 2016: Kasper on the Synod Document

March 17, 2016, Thursday - Why Does Kasper Speak of "1700 Years"? “This Holy See has always held, the perpetual practice of the Church confirms, and Ecumenical Councils also have declared -- especially those in which the East with the West met in the union of faith and charity -- that the supreme power of teaching [...]