March 21, 2016, Monday – Corrected Emeritus Pope Benedict Text
A few lines left out
This letter is to correct an oversight in my Letter #16 of March 17 which was entitled “Emeritus Pope Benedict Grants an Interview.”
I translated the text from Italian into English during the night between March 16 and March 17.
I intended to translate only a few paragraphs. Only after spending some time with this important text did I decide to translate all of it.
Though taking care not to miss anything, I inadvertently skipped several lines, and at 5 a.m. I sent out an incomplete text.
Now, to remedy this situation, I re-send the entire text with the missing lines (bold-faced) included.
So this text supersedes the text I sent in my Letter #16.
I apologize for this oversight.
I hope that there may perhaps even be some benefit from this situation if it draws readers’ special attention to the missing lines, which are quite interesting and profound.
—Robert Moynihan
The missing section
On Saturday, March 19, I received an email from Father Joseph Fessio, S.J., the head of Ignatius Press in the United States. He brought to my attention that my translation into English of Emeritus Pope Benedict’s interview with Fr. Jacques Servais had left out about 13 lines of text, and that readers were asking him to contact me to advise me of the problem.
The lines omitted are in the 11th paragraph from the end of the text. I bold-face them here:
“Finally, let’s recall, above all Henri de Lubac, and with him, several other theologians who have emphasized the idea of vicarious substitution. For them, the ‘pro-existence’ [‘existence for’] of Christ is the expression of the fundamental figure of Christian existence and of the Church as such. It is true that in this way the problem is not fully resolved, but it seems to me that this, in fact, is the key insight that thus impacts the existence of the individual Christian [i.e. each particular Christian existence]. Christ, as the unique One, was and is for all, and Christians, who in Paul’s awesome imagery make up Christ’s body in this world, participate in this “being-for.” Christians, so to speak, are not so for themselves, but are, with Christ, for others. This does not mean having some sort of special ticket for entering into eternal happiness, but rather the vocation to build the whole, the all. What the human person needs in the order of salvation [in order to be saved] is a profound openness with regards to God, a profound expectation of and adherence to Him, and this correspondingly means that we, together with the Lord whom we have encountered, go towards others and seek to make visible to them the advent of God in Christ.”
Here is the Italian version of the paragraphs in question, as appearing in L’Osservatore Romano, with the section in question in bold type:
Ricordiamo da ultimo soprattutto Henri de Lubac e con lui alcuni altri teologhi che hanno fatto forza sul concetto di sostituzione vicaria. Per essi la proesistenza di Cristo sarebbe espressione della figura fondamentale dell’esistenza cristiana e della Chiesa in quanto tale. È vero che così il problema non è del tutto risolto, ma a me pare che questa sia in realtà l’intuizione essenziale che così tocca l’esistenza del singolo cristiano. Cristo, in quanto unico, era ed è per tutti e i cristiani, che nella grandiosa immagine di Paolo costituiscono il suo corpo in questo mondo, partecipano di tale “essere per.” Cristiani, per così dire, non si è per se stessi, bensì, con Cristo, per gli altri. Ciò non significa una specie di biglietto speciale per entrare nella beatitudine eterna, bensì la vocazione a costruire l’insieme, il tutto. Quello di cui la persona umana ha bisogno in ordine alla salvezza è l’intima apertura nei confronti di Dio, l’intima aspettativa e adesione a Lui, e ciò viceversa significa che noi assieme al Signore che abbiamo incontrato andiamo verso gli altri e cerchiamo di render loro visibile l’avvento di Dio in Cristo.
The next lines in Emeritus Pope Benedict’s text are these:
“It’s possible to explain this ‘being-for’ in a more abstract way. It’s important for humanity that there is truth in it, that this be believed and practiced. That one suffers for it. That one loves. These realities penetrate with their light into the whole world as such and sustain it. I think that in the present situation it is become always more clear and comprehensible for us that which the Lord said to Abraham, that is, that ten righteous men would have been enough to save a city, but that the city destroys itself if such a small number is not reached. It is clear that we need to further reflect on the whole quetion.”
The restoration of the middle section in bold lends significant weight to the interpretation that Benedict is favoring de Lubac’s theory of “vicarious substitution” to explain the possibility of salvation outside of the faith. Lacking these lines, the weight to switches to a more ambiguous position.
And this is the reason it is important to make this correction, and to publish it.
Here is the original letter of March 17, now updated to include the missing lines. I emphasize that the text is still not an official translation, and of course could be improved, but it is now complete.
It may be worth noting the following once more: the text was orginally in German; it was written (it was a written, not a spoken interview) by Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI sometime before October 2015; it was made public in October 2015 when it was read by Emeritus Pope Benedict’s personal secretary, Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, at a conference in Rome; it only came out in Italian in mid-March 2016, at first as brief excerpts; this led some in Italy to report that a “new interview” with Emeritus Pope Benedict had just been conducted; however, this text was in no way a “new interview” from this March, 2016, but rather an interview-text from prior to October 2015.
March 17, 2016, Thursday — Emeritus Pope Benedict Grants an Interview on Justification and God’s Mercy
“What the human person needs for salvation is the intimate openness to God.” —Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI, in a 2015 interview with Jesuit theologian Father Jacques Servais. The interview was conducted during 2015 for a book on the doctrine of justification, and it was read out to a conference in Rome in October of 2015 by Archbishop Georg Gaenswein. This week the book itself was released in Italy, sparking a number of newspaper articles. The full text of the interview is being published today, March 17, in Italian, in the Vatican’s newspaper, the Osservatore Romano
“Faith is a deeply personal communication with God, which touches my very core and places me in direct contact with the living God so that I can talk to Him, love Him and enter into communion with Him. At the same time, this highly personal experience is inextricably linked to the community: becoming one of God’s children in the community of pilgrim brothers and sisters is part of the essence of the faith.” —Ibid.
“No, the Church was not made by herself, she was created by God and she is continuously formed by Him.” —Ibid.
“Paul teaches us that faith comes from listening (fides ex auditu),” Emeritus Pope Benedict tells us in a recent interview which has just been published in a book in Italy.
Since Benedict has spoken very little in public since his resignation three years ago, it seems important to consider what he said on this occasion.
“Listening,” Benedict said, “involves having a partner… In order for me to believe, I need witnesses who have met God and make Him accessible to me.”
We sometimes forget this fundamental fact — a fact which the common wisdom of our time opposes: that we come to a relationship with God, and to faith in God, by means of witnesses.
It is almost as if life is a great courtroom, and we are each members of a jury trying to discern truth from falsehood, right from wrong, justice from injustice, reality from illusion.
And we must listen to the testimony of witnesses in order to form our judgments and come to our conclusions. Therefore, we need to listen intently to the witnesses we see before us.
One such witness is precisely Emeritus Pope Benedict himself…
Below, the complete text of his interview, in our own English tranlation (the original was in German, and the book itself is in Italian.)
Thursday, March 17, 2016
The Christian Faith Is Not An Idea But A Life
(Full text of a recent interview with Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI)
From the Osservatore Romano, March 17, 2016
We publish here the full text of the interview with Benedict XVI in the book Through Faith: Doctrine of Justification and Experience of God in the Preaching of the Church and the Spiritual Exercises by Jesuit Fr. Daniel Libanori (Cinisello Balsamo, Edizioni San Paolo, 2016, 208 pages, € 20) in which the retired Pope speaks of the centrality of compassion in the Christian faith.
The volume contains the proceedings of a conference that took place last October in Rome.
As noted by Filippo Rizzi of Avvenire on March 16, who published excerpts from the interview, the conductor of the interview (whose name does not appear in the book) was the Jesuit Jacques Servais, a student of Hans Urs von Balthasar and scholar of his works.
Fr. Jacques Servais, S.J.: Your Holiness, the question posed this year as part of the study days promoted by the rectory of the Gesu (the residence for Jesuit seminarians in Rome) is that of justification by faith. The last volume of your collected works highlights your resolute affirmation: “The Christian faith is not an idea, but a life.” Commenting on the famous Pauline affirmation in Romans 3:28, you mentioned, in this regard, a twofold transcendence: “Faith is a gift to the believers communicated through the community, which for its part is the result of God’s gift” (“Glaube ist Gabe durch die Gemeinschaft; die sich selbst gegeben wird ‘, gs iv, 512). Could you explain what you meant by that statement, taking into account of course the fact that the aim of these days of study is to clarify the pastoral theology and vivify the spiritual experience of the faithful?
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: The question concerns what faith is and how one comes to believe.
On the one hand, faith is a profoundly personal contact with God, that touches me in my innermost being and places me in front of the living God in absolute immediacy in such a way that I can speak with Him, love Him and enter into communion with Him.
But at the same time this reality which is so fundamentally personal also has inseparably to do with the community.
It is an essential part of faith that I be introduced into the “we” of the sons and daughters of God, into the pilgrim community of brothers and sisters.
The encounter with God means also, at the same time, that I myself become open, torn from my closed solitude and received into the living community of the Church.
That living community is also a mediator of my encounter with God, though that encounter touches my heart in an entirely personal way.
Faith comes from hearing (fides ex auditu), St. Paul teaches us.
Listening in turn always implies a partner.
Faith is not a product of reflection nor is it even an attempt to penetrate the depths of my own being.
Both of these things may be present, but they remain insufficient without the “listening” through which God, from without, from a story He himself created, challenges me.
In order for me to believe, I need witnesses who have met God and make Him accessible to me.
In my article on baptism I spoke of the double transcendence of the community, in this way causing to emerge once again an important element: the faith community does not create itself.
It is not an assembly of men who have some ideas in common and who decide to work for the spread of such ideas.
Then everything would be based on its own decision and, in the final analysis, on the majority vote principle, that is, in the end it would be based on human opinion.
A Church built in this way cannot be for me the guarantor of eternal life nor require decisions from me that make me suffer and are contrary to my desires.
No, the Church is not self-made, she was created by God and she is continuously formed by him.
This finds expression in the sacraments, above all in that of baptism: I enter into the Church not by a bureaucratic act, but through the sacrament.
And this is to say that I am welcomed into a community that did not originate in itself and is projected beyond itself.
The ministry that aims to form the spiritual experience of the faithful must proceed from these fundamental givens.
It is necessary to abandon the idea of a Church which produces herself and to make clear that the Church becomes a community in the communion of the body of Christ.
The Church must introduce the individual Christian into an encounter with Jesus Christ and bring Christians into His presence in the sacrament.
Fr. Servais: When you were Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, commenting on the Joint Declaration of the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation on the Doctrine of Justification of October 31, 1999, you pointed out a difference of mentality in relation to Luther and the question of salvation and blessedness as he had posed it. The religious experience of Luther was dominated by terror before the wrath of God, a feeling quite alien to modern men, who sense rather the absence of God (see your article in Communio, 2000, 430). For these, the problem is not so much how to obtain eternal life, but rather how to ensure, in the precarious conditions of our world, a certain balance of fully human life. Can the teaching of St. Paul of justification by faith, in this new context, reach the “religious” experience or at least the “elementary” experience of our contemporaries?
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: First of all, I want to emphasize once again what I wrote in Communio (2000) on the issue of justification.
For the man of today, compared to those of the time of Luther and to those holding the classical perspective of the Christian faith, things are in a certain sense inverted, or rather, is no longer man who believes he needs justification before God, but rather he is of the opinion that God is obliged to justify himself because of all the horrible things in the world and in the face of the misery of being human, all of which ultimately depend on Him.
In this regard, I find it significant that a Catholic theologian may profess even in a direct and formal this inverted position: that Christ did not suffer for the sins of men, but rather, as it were, had “canceled the guilt of God.”
Even if most Christians today would not share such a drastic reversal of our faith, we could say that all of this reveals an underlying trend of our times.
When Johann Baptist Metz argues that theology today must be “sensitive to theodicy” (theodizeeempfindlich), this highlights the same problem in a positive way.
Even prescinding from such a radical contestation of the Church’s vision of the relationship between God and man, the man of today has in a very general way the sense that God cannot let most of humanity be damned. In this sense, the concern for the personal salvation of souls typical of past times has for the most part disappeared.
However, in my opinion, there continues to exist, in another way, the perception that we are in need of grace and forgiveness.
For me it is a “sign of the times” the fact that the idea of the mercy of God should become more and more central and dominant — starting from Sister Faustina, whose visions in various ways reflect deeply the image of God held by the men of today and their desire for the divine goodness.
Pope John Paul II was deeply impregnated by this impulse, even if this did not always emerge explicitly.
But it is certainly not by chance that his last book, published just before his death, speaks of God’s mercy.
Starting from the experiences which, from the earliest years of life, exposed him to all of the cruel acts men can perform, he affirms that mercy is the only true and ultimate effective reaction against the power of evil.
Only where there is mercy does cruelty end, only with mercy do evil and violence end.
Pope Francis is totally in agreement with this line.
His pastoral practice is expressed in the fact that he continually speaks to us of God’s mercy.
It is mercy that moves us towards God, while justice frightens us before Him.
In my view, this makes clear that, under a veneer of self-assuredness and self-righteousness, the man of today hides a deep knowledge of his wounds and his unworthiness before God.
He is waiting for mercy.
It is certainly no coincidence that the parable of the Good Samaritan is particularly attractive to contemporary man.
And not just because that parable strongly emphasizes the social dimension of Christian existence, nor only because in it the Samaritan, the man not religious, in comparison with the representatives of religion seems, so to speak, as one who acts really so in conformity with God, while the official representatives of religion seem, as it were, immune to God.
This clearly pleases modern man.
But it seems just as important to me, nevertheless, that men in their intimate consciences expect the Samaritan will come to their aid, that he will bend down over them, pour oil on their wounds, care for them and take them to safety.
In the final analysis, they know that they need God’s mercy and his tenderness.
In the hardness of the technologized world in which feelings no longer count for anything, the expectation however increases of a saving love that is freely given.
It seems to me that in the theme of divine mercy is expressed in a new way what is means by justification by faith.
Starting from the mercy of God, which everyone is looking for, it is possible even today to interpret anew the fundamental nucleus of the doctrine of justification and have it appear again in all its relevance.
When Anselm says that Christ had to die on the cross to repair the infinite offense that had been made to God, and in this way to restore the shattered order, he uses a language which is difficult for modern man to accept (cfr. Gs iv).
Expressing oneself in this way, one risks likely to project onto God an image of a God of wrath, relentless toward the sin of man, with feelings of violence and aggression comparable with what we we can experience ourselves.
How is it possible to speak of God’s justice without potentially undermining the certainty, deeply established among the faithful, that the God of the Christians is a God “rich in mercy” (Ephesians 2:4)?
The conceptuality of St. Anselm has now become for us incomprehensible. It is our job to try again to understand the truth that lies behind this mode of expression.
For my part I offer three points of view on this point:
a) the contrast between the Father, who insists in an absolute way on justice, and the Son who obeys the Father and, obedient, accepts the cruel demands of justice, is not only incomprehensible today, but, from the point of view of Trinitarian theology, is in itself all wrong.
The Father and the Son are one and therefore their will is intrinsically one.
When the Son in the Garden of Olives struggle with the will of the Father, it is not a matter of accepting for himself a cruel disposition of God, but rather of attracting humanity into the very will of God.
We will have to come back again, later, to the relationship of the two wills of the Father and of the Son.
b) So why would the cross and the atonement? Somehow today, in the contortions of modern thought we mentioned above, the answer to these questions can be formulated in a new way.
Let’s place ourselves in front of the incredible amount of evil, violence, falsehood, hatred, cruelty and arrogance that infect and destroy the whole world.
This mass of evil cannot simply be declared non-existent, not even by God. It must be cleansed, reworked and overcome.
Ancient Israel was convinced that the daily sacrifice for sins and above all the great liturgy of the Day of Atonement (Yom-Kippur) were necessary as a counterweight to the mass of evil in the world and that only through such rebalancing the world could, as it were, remain bearable.
Once the sacrifices in the temple disappeared, it had to be asked what could be opposed to the higher powers of evil, how to find somehow a counterweight.
The Christians knew that the temple destroyed was replaced by the resurrected body of the crucified Lord and in his radical and incommensurable love was created a counterweight to the immeasurable presence of evil.
Indeed, they knew that the offers presented up until then could only be conceived of as a gesture of longing for a genuine counterweight.
They also knew that in front of the excessive power of evil only an infinite love was enough, only an infinite atonement.
They knew that the crucified and risen Christ is a power that can counter the power of evil and save the world.
And on this basis they could even understand the meaning of their own sufferings as inserted into the suffering love of Christ and included as part of the redemptive power of such love.
Above I quoted the theologian for whom God had to suffer for his sins in regard to the world. Now, due to this reversal of perspective, the following truths emerge: God simply cannot leave “as is” the mass of evil that comes from the freedom that he himself has granted.
Only He, coming to share in the world’s suffering, can redeem the world.
c) On this basis, the relationship between the Father and the Son becomes more comprehensible.
I will reproduce here on this subject a passage from the book by Henri de Lubac on Origen which I feel is very clear:
“The Redeemer came into the world out of compassion for mankind. He took upon himself our passions even before being crucified, indeed even before descending to assume our flesh: if he had not experienced them beforehand, he would not have come to partake of our human life.
“But what was this suffering that he endured in advance for us?
“It was the passion of love. But the Father himself, the God of the universe, he who is overflowing with long-suffering, patience, mercy and compassion, does he also not suffer in a certain sense? ‘The Lord your God, in fact, has taken upon himself your ways as the one who takes upon himself his son’ (Deuteronomy 1, 31). God thus takes upon himself our customs as the Son of God took upon himself our sufferings. The Father himself is not without passion! If He is invoked, then He knows mercy and compassion. He perceives a suffering of love (Homilies on Ezekiel 6:6).”
In some parts of Germany there was a very moving devotion that contemplated the Not Gottes (“poverty of God”). For my part, that makes pass before my eyes an impressive image representing the suffering Father, who, as Father, shares inwardly the sufferings of the Son.
And also the image of the “throne of grace” is part of this devotion: the Father supports the cross and the crucified, bends lovingly over him and the two are, as it were, together on the cross.
So in a grand and pure way, one perceives there what God’s mercy means, what the participation of God in man’s suffering means.
It is not a mater of a cruel justice, not a matter of the Father’s fanaticism, but rather of the truth and the reality of creation: the true intimate overcoming of evil that ultimately can be realized only in the suffering of love.
Fr. Servais: In the Spiritual Exercises, Ignatius of Loyola does not use the Old Testament images of revenge, as opposed to Paul (cfr. 2 Thessalonians 1: 5-9); nevertheless he invites us to contemplate how men, until the Incarnation, “descended into hell” (Spiritual Exercises n. 102; see. ds iv, 376) and to consider the example of the “countless others who ended up there for far fewer sins than I have I committed” (Spiritual Exercises, n. 52). It is in this spirit that St. Francis Xavier lived his pastoral work, convinced he had to try to save from the terrible fate of eternal damnation as many “infidels” as possible. The teaching, formalized in the Council of Trent, in the passage with regard to the judgment of the good and the evil, later radicalized by the Jansenists, was taken up in a much more restrained way in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (cfr. § 5 633, 1037). Can it be said that on this point, in recent decades, there has been a kind of “development of dogma” that the Catechism should definitely take into account?
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: There is no doubt that on this point we are faced with a profound evolution of dogma.
While the fathers and theologians of the Middle Ages could still be of the opinion that, essentially, the whole human race had become Catholic and that paganism existed now only on the margins, the discovery of the New World at the beginning of the modern era radically changed perspectives.
In the second half of the last century it has been fully affirmed the understanding that God cannot let go to perdition all the unbaptized and that even a purely natural happiness for them does not represent a real answer to the question of human existence.
If it is true that the great missionaries of the 16th century were still convinced that those who are not baptized are forever lost — and this explains their missionary commitment — in the Catholic Church after the Second Vatican Council that conviction was finally abandoned.
From this came a deep double crisis.
On the one hand this seems to remove any motivation for a future missionary commitment. Why should one try to convince the people to accept the Christian faith when they can be saved even without it?
But also for Christians an issue emerged: the obligatory nature of the faith and its way of life began to seem uncertain and problematic.
If there are those who can save themselves in other ways, it is not clear, in the final analysis, why the Christian himself is bound by the requirements of the Christian faith and its morals. If faith and salvation are no longer interdependent, faith itself become unmotivated.
Lately several attempts have been formulated in order to reconcile the universal necessity of the Christian faith with the opportunity to save oneself without it.
I will mention here two: first, the well-known thesis of the anonymous Christians of Karl Rahner. He sustains that the basic, essential act at the basis of Christian existence, decisive for salvation, in the transcendental structure of our consciousness, consists in the opening to the entirely Other, toward unity with God.
The Christian faith would in this view cause to rise to consciousness what is structural in man as such. So when a man accepts himself in his essential being, he fulfills the essence of being a Christian without knowing what it is in a conceptual way.
The Christian, therefore, coincides with the human and, in this sense, every man who accepts himself is a Christian even if he does not know it.
It is true that this theory is fascinating, but it reduces Christianity itself to a pure conscious presentation of what a human being is in himself and therefore overlooks the drama of change and renewal that is central to Christianity.
Even less acceptable is the solution proposed by the pluralistic theories of religion, for which all religions, each in their own way, would be ways of salvation and in this sense, in their effects must be considered equivalent.
The critique of religion of the kind exercised in the Old Testament, in the New Testament and in the early Church is essentially more realistic, more concrete and true in its examination of the various religions. Such a simplistic reception is not proportional to the magnitude of the issue.
Finally, let’s recall, above all Henri de Lubac, and with him, several other theologians who have emphasized the idea of vicarious substitution. For them, the “pro-existence” (“being-for”) of Christ is the expression of the fundamental figure of Christian existence and of the Church as such. It is true that the problem is not fully resolved, but it seems to me that this, in fact, is the key insight that thus impacts the existence of the individual Christian. Christ, as the unique One, was and is for all and Christians, who in Paul’s awesome imagery make up Christ’s body in this world and thus participate in this “being-for.” Christians, so to speak, are not so for themselves, but are, with Christ, for others. This does not mean having some sort of special ticket for entering into eternal happiness, but rather the vocation to build the whole. What the human person needs in order to be saved is a profound openness with regards to God, a profound expectation and acceptance of Him, and this correspondingly means that we, together with the Lord whom we have encountered, go towards others and seek to make visible to them the advent of God in Christ.
It’s possible to explain this “being-for” in a more abstract way. It’s important for humanity that there is truth in it, that this be believed and practiced. That one suffers for it. That one loves. These realities penetrate with their light into the whole world as such and sustain it.
I think that in the present situation it is become always more clear and comprehensible for us that which the Lord said to Abraham, that is, that ten righteous men would have been enough to save a city, but that the city destroys itself if such a small number is not reached.
It is clear that we need to further reflect on the whole question.
Fr. Servais: In the eyes of many secular humanists, marked by the atheism of the 19th and 20th centuries, as you have noted, it is rather God — if he exists — not man who should be held accountable for injustice, the suffering of the innocent, the cynicism of power we are witnessing, powerless, in the world and in world history (see. Spe Salvi, n. 42) … In your book Jesus of Nazareth, you echo what for them — and for us — is a scandal: “The reality of injustice, of evil, cannot be simply ignored, simply put aside. It absolutely must be overcome and conquered. Only in this way is there really mercy” (Jesus of Nazareth, ii 153, quoting 2 Timothy 2:13). Is the sacrament of confession, one of the places where evil can be “repaired”? If so, how?
Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: I have already tried to expose as a whole the main points related to this issue in my answer to your third question.
The counterweight to the dominion of evil can consist in the first place only in the divine-human love of Jesus Christ that is always greater than any possible power of evil.
But it is necessary that we place ourselves inside this answer that God gives us through Jesus Christ.
Even if the individual is responsible for a fragment of evil, and therefore is an accomplice of evil’s power, together with Christ he can nevertheless “complete what is lacking in his sufferings” (cfr. Colossians 1, 24).
The sacrament of penance certainly has an important role in this field.
It means that we always allow ourselves to be molded and transformed by Christ and that we pass continuously from the side of him who destroys to the side of Him who saves.
(From the Osservatore Romano, March 17, 2016. This English translation by Robert Moynihan)
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What is the glory of God?
“The glory of God is man alive; but the life of man is the vision of God.” —St. Irenaeus of Lyons, in the territory of France, in his great work Against All Heresies, written c. 180 A.D.
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