Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI

Benedict XVI continues to speak to the world

One year after his death, scholars and friends illuminate his life and work By ITV staff/NCR Conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, titled “Benedict XVI’s Legacy: Unfinished Debates on Faith, Culture and Politics,” November 29, 2023 (Photo: Isabella H. de Carvalho/Aleteia) Despite the now 11 years that have passed since Pope [...]

Letter #136, 2022 Wed Dec 28: “Pray for Benedict”

    Pope Benedict XVI, 95, is "very ill," Pope Francis told those present at his General Audience in Rome this morning. Pope Francis then tweeted on his official account (link): "Let us #PrayTogether for Pope Emeritus Benedict who is supporting the Church in silence. Let us ask the Lord to console him and to sustain him [...]

Did Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) Really Cover Up Abuse Scandals?

The media's hate campaign against Pope Benedict XVI is fully active — but what does the "Munich Report" really say? By Michael Hesemann* The report on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church faulted the since-retired Pope’s handling of four cases when he was archbishop of Munich, Germany, in the 1970s and 1980s. The accusations [...]

A symphony of truth

Pope Francis received the recipients of the 2017 Ratzinger Prize in Theology on Saturday morning. Catholic Professor Karl-Heinz Menke of the Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn, Lutheran Professor Theodor Dieter of the Institute for Ecumenical Research in Strasbourg, and Orthodox composer Arvo Pärt, share the Prize this year, which Benedict XVI established in 2010 as the leading international award for research in Sacred Scripture, patristics, and [...]

Letter #3, 2017: Trump? Francis Waits

January 22, 2017, Sunday -- On Trump, Francis Waits On the dangers -- and need for -- populist movements Pope Francis has granted another long interview, this time to two Spanish journalists writing for the daily El Pais of Madrid, Spain. The interview was conducted on Friday, January 20, in the Domus Santa Marta, where the [...]

Letter #67, 2016: The Silent Pope

December 8, 2016, Thursday -- The Silent Pope "This apostolic exhortation contains a number of statements that can be understood in a sense that is contrary to Catholic faith and morals... We request that the Cardinals and Patriarchs petition the Holy Father to condemn the errors... in a definitive and final manner." —Letter to Cardinal Angelo [...]

Letter #59, 2016: The Face of Christ and Unity

September 18, 2016, Sunday -- The Face of Christ and Unity "Seeking the Face of Jesus must be the longing of all of us Christians... If we persevere in our quest for the Face of the Lord, at the end of our earthly pilgrimage, he, Jesus, will be our eternal joy, our reward and glory for [...]

Letter #58, 2016: The Bells of Rome, Last Conversations, #4

September 17, 2016, Saturday -- The Bells of Rome, Last Conversations #4 "Peter Seewald: When you left the Vatican in a helicopter, this also was part in some way of the entire screenplay, as it were, at least as seen from the outside. One could say that up until that moment no Pope had ascended into [...]

Letter #56, 2016: Dark Night, Last Conversations #3

September 15, 2016, Thursday -- Dark Night, Last Conversations with Pope Benedict, Letter #3 "Peter Seewald: Have you also experienced any of those 'dark nights' of which many saints speak? Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: Such powerful experiences, no. Perhaps I am not holy enough to have plumbed the depths of that obscurity. However sometimes, things happen [...]

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