
Pope at Angelus: Be ready for the final encounter with the Lord

Pope Francis during the Sunday Angelus (Vatican Media) Pope Francis reflects on this Sunday’s Gospel and on Jesus’ call to be vigilant and to “light our lamps” as we await the final encounter with the Father. August 11, 2019 In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples to “gird your loins and light your [...]

Pope at Angelus: Welcoming those at our door brings peace and hope

Pope waves to pilgrims in St Peter's Square during the Angelus (Vatican Media) At the Sunday Angelus address, Pope Francis speaks of the importance of not feeling burdened when offering a warm welcome and a sense of fraternity to those in need as a way of combining contemplation and action. By Francesca Merlo Pope [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘Corpus Christi renews our amazement in Eucharist’

Pope Francis waves to pilgrims in St. Peter's Square (Vatican Media) At the Sunday Angelus prayer in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis reflects on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, and invites Christians to share with one another in true Eucharistic fashion. June 23, 2019 The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of [...]

Pope at Angelus: Appeal for Middle East, recalls “saints next door”

Pope Francis celebrates Mass and recites the Angelus in Camerino, Italy (Vatican Media) June 16, 2019 After celebrating Holy Mass in Camerino, in the Italian Marches Region, Pope Francis recites the Angelus Prayer, thanking those who helped prepare for his visit, and remembering “the saints next door”. He also appeals for a resolution to [...]

Pope at Angelus: Working together to protect minors

Pope Francis tells the faithful in St Peter’s Square during the Angelus, “we want all possible measures to be taken so that such crimes are not repeated”. Speaking following the recitation of the Marian Prayer, Pope Francis reflected on the “Protection of Minors in the Church” meeting which concluded on Sunday with Holy Mass. The Pope [...]

Pope Audience: God the Father loves us like no one else can

Pope Francis during his continuing catechesis on the Lord's Prayer at the Wednesday General Audience tells pilgrims, that “when we feel that hunger to love God, we are responding to the invitation to know God as ‘Father’." Continuing his catechesis on the “Our Father”, on Wednesday, the Pope told the pilgrims gathered in the Paul VI [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘Jesus’ eternal kingdom founded on love’

Ahead of the Sunday Angelus prayer on the Solemnity of Christ the King, Pope Francis says Jesus came to establish an eternal kingdom which is founded on love and gives peace, freedom, and fullness of life. Pope Francis prayed the Angelus on Sunday with thousands of pilgrims huddled under umbrellas in a rainy St. Peter’s Square. [...]

Pope: ‘when we meet the Lord we will bring only what we have given’

Reflecting on the Gospel reading of the day at the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that when we meet the Lord we will be called to account for our lives. Addressing the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Angelus, Pope Francis on Sunday reflected on the Gospel passage in which the Lord [...]

Pope on All Saints Day: Beatitudes, the path to holiness in daily life

On All Saints, Nov. 1, Pope Francis recited the midday ‘Angelus’ prayer with the faithful and tourists in Rome St. Peter’s Square. Pope Francis on Thursday urged Christians to seek holiness not by accomplishing extraordinary things but by following the path of the Beatitudes without half measures in everyday life. The Holy Father offered the exhortation [...]

Taking upon ourselves the name of God

Pope at general audience: taking upon ourselves the name of God At his General Audience of August 22, Pope Francis reflected on the Second Commandment – “You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” Dear brothers and sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Ten Commandments, we now turn to the [...]

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