
Pope Francis sends well-wishes to Patriarch Bartholomew for name day

Pope Francis has sent a handwritten message to Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, full of well-wishes for his name day. The feast day of the apostle St. Bartholomew is celebrated in the Oriental Churches on 11 June. "May Catholics and Orthodox continue on the path towards full communion, working together to promote peace, cooperation, and dialogue [...]

Making our way

Jesus is the way, and for Christians the journey of life is part cross and part resurrection. But on the way there are those who stop like “spiritual mummies”, who are stubborn and go astray, who spend their life spinning their wheels, mesmerized by worldly beauty. During Mass at Santa Marta on Tuesday, 3 May, the [...]

A double life

St John’s advice to the “adolescent Church” of the first century applies perfectly to us today. Francis thus proposed the content of the Apostle’s First Letter: that we not have a double life and not give in to lies, aware that even as sinners we have a Father who forgives us. This is the reflection the [...]