
Catholics and Methodists celebrate 50 years of progress

Catholic and Methodist theologians wind up a meeting at the weekend that has been marking the 50th anniversary of their first ecumenical dialogue group, established in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. The first session of the Methodist-Roman Catholic International Commission was held in the hill town of Ariccia in October 1967. Pope Francis met with members of the [...]

Pope Francis: homily for feast of Saints Peter and Paul

Pope Francis on Thursday morning celebrated Mass in St Peter’s Square to mark the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. In his homily the Pope focused on three words, confession, persecution and prayer, which he said are essential for the life of an apostle today. Please see below the full text of Pope Francis’ homily at [...]

Christians live God’s love with joy, astonishment

No Christian can exist without joy: that’s what Pope Francis said in his Homily at Mass Monday morning in the chapel of the Santa Marta guesthouse.  The Pope stressed that even through life’s difficulties, the Christian knows he can trust in Jesus and find hope.  The Pope also reminded the faithful they should not allow riches [...]

Living blood

The Church needs the witness of martyrs, of “consistent” Christians who “live their life in earnest”. In his reflection during Mass at Santa Marta on Thursday morning, 7 April, Pope Francis pondered the vital lymph of the Church, the “living blood” which carries her forth day by day: testimony. The meditation was inspired by the liturgy [...]

On the Apostles: The Witness of the Bishops

“Praying and witnessing” are the “two tasks of bishops”, who are the “pillars of the Church”. But should they weaken it is the People of God who suffer. This is why, during Mass at Santa Marta on Friday morning, 22 January Pope Francis recommended persistent prayers for the successors of the Twelve Apostles. The Pontiff’s reflection [...]