
A unique exhibition

On until April 27 in the Neoclassical, chandeliered Sala Bianca (White Hall) of the Palatine Gallery in Florence’s Pitti Palace, where fashion shows are usually held, is a first-of-its kind exhibition, “Una volta nella vita: Tesori dagli archivi e dalle biblioteche di Firenze” (“Once in a Lifetime: Treasures from the Archives and Libraries in Florence”). Its [...]

An Incomparable Pope – John XXIII and the Jews (Print Version)

John XXIII On April 27, Pope John XXIII (Pope from 1958 to 1963) will become St. John XXIII, alongside Pope John Paul II, who will become St. John Paul II. But who was John really, and what was his greatest triumph? This version appeared in the April 2014 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine. [...]

John Paul II and his saints

Some of the many saints canonized by Pope John Paul II. He was convinced that the Church needed models of sanctity. Now he himself will be one of those models and intercessors. In the days before the canonizations of Blesseds John XXIII and John Paul II, Rome hotels were reporting they are almost fully [...]

Saints of God, defenders of men

The two saints to be canonized on April 27, both Popes, had much in common. Both were committed to the Second Vatican Council, and both defended the dignity of the human person. The two holy pontiffs whom the Church canonizes this month, Pope John XXIII and Pope John Paul II, were very different men. They proceeded [...]

Cardinal Carlo Caffara offers strong critique to Cardinal Kasper's proposal

“Compromise Would Be Unworthy of the Lord”  Cardinal Carlo Caffara One of the first major critiques of Cardinal Kasper’s proposal came from Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, Archbishop of Bologna. Here are key excerpts from a March 15 talk with Caffarra.  Here are excerpts from a March 15 interview granted by the Cardinal Arch­bishop of Bologna, [...]

A majority of the Cardinals opposes Kasper

In the February 20-21 consistory, which focused on Kasper’s proposal to seek a pastoral solution to allow divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion, a majority of the cardinals opposed the “Kasper Thesis,” Italian Vaticanist Marco Tosatti has reported.  Pope John Paul II during one of his many journeys to Africa. Pope Francis on [...]

Cardinal Kasper's Proposal

Here below, key excerpts from Cardinal Kasper’s controversial February 20 keynote address to the cardinals on admitting divorced and remarried people to Communion.  • It is not enough to consider the problem only from the point of view and from the perspective of the Church as a sacramental institution. We need a paradigm change and we [...]

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