
Heroism inspired by love: martyrdom of the Blessed Ulma family

On the 80th anniversary of their death, their story is reaching the world By Anna Artymiak September 10, 2023 in Markowa, Poland. The President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda was present during the beatification Mass for the “Blessed Martyrs of Markowa.” ceklebrated by Cardinal Semeraro, on behalf of Pope Francis, where he [...]

Pope takes 27 candidates a step closer to sainthood‎

Pope Francis has authorized 12 decrees on miracles, martyrdom and heroic virtues of 22 men and 5 ‎women. ‎ Pope Francis on Monday took 27 men and women a step closer to sainthood.  The Pope received Card. Angelo Amato, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and authorized him to promulgate 12 decrees regarding 22 men and [...]

Congregation for Causes of Saints issues new Instruction on Relics

The Congregation for the Causes of Saints has issued a new Instruction addressing the handling and authentication of relics, both during canonical processes leading to beatification/canonization and for the exposition of relics for the veneration of the faithful. By Christopher R. Altieri The Congregation for the Causes of Saints on Saturday issued an Instruction on the [...]

Spotlight on first American-born martyr in Church’s history ahead of his beatification

Father Stanley Rother, the first American-born martyr in the history of the Church is being beatified in Oklahoma City on September 23rd. The U.S. priest was gunned down in Guatamala in 1981 shortly after taking the heroic decision to return to his mission parish in the Central American nation despite knowing his name was on a [...]

A new blessed

Wlodzimierz Redzioch speaks with Mons. Javier Echevarría, prelate of Opus Dei, about the beatification of St. Josemaría Escrivá’s first successor.  Echevarria in 1978 between del Portillo and John Paul II (notice a young Fr. Stanislaw Dziwisz in the background on the left). Many people remember the date of July 5, 2013: that was the [...]