Cardinal Ratzinger

Letter # 5, 2015: Editorial

February 5, 2015, Thursday — The Peril the Pope Fears "I advise you to read it." —Pope Francis, to the Vatican press corps, during a press conference on the papal airplane on January 19, flying back from the Philippines, referring to the novel by the British Catholic convert from Anglicanism, Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, The Lord [...]

Reflections on the Traditional Latin Mass by Curial Cardinal

On July 25, 2013, feast of the Patron Saint of Spain, Saint James the Greater, Cardinal Antonio Cañi­zares Llovera, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, put his signature on the preface to a remarkable work, the doctoral thesis presented by his fellow Spaniard, Fr. Alberto Soria Jiménez, O.S.B., dedicated [...]

Three Popes of Inside The Vatican

“I arrived in Italy on the same day as Bob — on May 17, 1984. He arrived in Rome by plane from the United States; I entered northern Italy by bus from Poland. I wanted to be at Monte Cassino on May 18, but the pilgrimage was organized in such a way that we were there [...]

Liberation Theology Interview with Professor Rocco Buttiglione

John Paul II has gone down in history as the pope who disciplined the liberation theologians of Latin America. You played a key role in this event. Could you please tell us more about it? Professor Rocco Buttiglione: We have to start from the very first days of John Paul II’s pontificate. Before going to Poland [...]