
Pope Francis: ‘Mercy is the true face of love’

The Pope reflects on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and says the trait of a true Christian is to always be merciful and compassionate. By Linda Bordoni Pope Francis on Sunday upheld the example of the Good Samaritan as a model for Christians, explaining that only by loving our neighbours as ourselves, do we show [...]

Draw near to those who suffer

“Compassion,” “drawing near,” “to restore.” At the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, Pope Francis prayed to the Lord, that He might give us “the grace” to have compassion for all those who are suffering; to draw near to these people in order to “take them by the hand” to restore them to the place of “dignity that God wills for them.” The Holy Father was [...]

Pope Francis at Mass in Gyumri, Armenia

Speaking at Holy Mass Saturday in Gyumri, Armenia, Pope Francis recalled the “terrible devastation” wrought by the massive 1988 earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people and gave thanks “for all that has been rebuilt.” In his Homily, the Pope offered three “stable foundations upon which we can tirelessly build and rebuild the Christian life.” [...]

Compassion sows seeds of testimony

Saturday afternoon Pope Francis visited Villa Nazareth in the Pineta Sacchetti area of Rome. Villa Nazareth was founded in 1946 for orphans and poor children in order to provide the underprivileged with educational opportunities. Today Villa Nazareth helps young people who are experiencing economic hardship but who also show great intellectual potential. It provides them with [...]

Who is a neighbour

Everyone “can become the neighbour to any needy person you meet”, so long as your heart has “the capacity so suffer with the other”. Pope Francis drew this comforting certainty from the parable of the Good Samaritan, during the General Audience on Wednesday, 27 April. With the faithful in St Peter’s Square, the Holy Father continued [...]