
Three voices

Pope Francis offered a series of practical biblical suggestions in order to help us to truly recognize and listen to “the voice of the Lord” without falling into the temptation of corruption and worldliness, and to rediscover the beauty of the silent prayer of adoration. “In the final week of the liturgical year”, the Pope noted, [...]

Corruption is blasphemy which leads to worship of money

"Corruption is a form of blasphemy which leads to the worship of money and the exploitation of others". Pope Francis words came during the homily at his regular Santa Marta Mass for this last week of the Church’s liturgical year. Reflecting on the readings for the day which speak of the end of the world, of [...]

Pope on how to be salt of the earth and light of the world

Pope Francis has urged believers to be true Christians and give flavor to the life of others, not to be tempted to shine light upon themselves but to bring the light of faith to their neighbors and to mankind. Drawing inspiration from the Gospel reading of the day, Pope Francis spoke of when Jesus told his [...]

Pope Francis: homily for Mass with canonization

Pope Francis delivered the homily at Mass on Sunday morning, during which he also presided over the canonization of two new saints: Stanislaus of Jesus and Mary, and Maria Elizabeth Hesselblad. The word of God, which we have just heard, points us to the central event of our faith: God’s victory over suffering and death. It [...]