
A seated soul

“To follow Jesus you have to take risks”, without fear of “appearing ridiculous”, and without trying to be “too polite”; and in this, “women are better than men”. During Mass on Friday, 13 January, in the Santa Marta chapel, Pope Francis renewed his invitation to the faithful not to “remain seated in life, looking on motionless”. [...]

To meet Jesus, we must go on the journey

"The Christian faith is not a theory or a philosophy – it is the encounter with Jesus." The Pope emphasized that in order to truly encounter Jesus we undertake the journey with three attitudes: "vigilant in prayer, industrious in charity, exultant in praise." Encountering Jesus: this is “the grace that we desire in Advent.” Pope Francis [...]

On the Joy of Meeting the Lord

THE HOLY FATHER’S CATECHESIS Dear Brothers and Sisters, Day after day, we enter the heart of the Holy Year of Mercy. While we cross the Holy Door, the Lord guides our steps with His grace, and He comes to meet us, to remain always with us, notwithstanding our faults and contradictions. Let us never tire of [...]