Good Samaritan

Pope Francis: ‘Mercy is the true face of love’

The Pope reflects on the Parable of the Good Samaritan and says the trait of a true Christian is to always be merciful and compassionate. By Linda Bordoni Pope Francis on Sunday upheld the example of the Good Samaritan as a model for Christians, explaining that only by loving our neighbours as ourselves, do we show [...]

The Good Samaritan manifests the mystery of Christ ‎

Pope Francis on Monday urged Christians to emulate the figure of the Good Samaritan and help those in need to get up, like Christ who “continues to pay” for us.   Delivering a homily at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta residence in the Vatican, he reflected on the attitude of the various actors in [...]

Works not words

· ​At the Angelus the Pope speaks about the Parable of the Good Samaritan and calls for closeness to those in need · Looking into the faces of the “hungry child”, of the “immigrant who many wanted to drive away”, of the “grandparents ... abandoned in nursing homes”, of the sick man “alone in the hospital”, [...]

Who is a neighbour

Everyone “can become the neighbour to any needy person you meet”, so long as your heart has “the capacity so suffer with the other”. Pope Francis drew this comforting certainty from the parable of the Good Samaritan, during the General Audience on Wednesday, 27 April. With the faithful in St Peter’s Square, the Holy Father continued [...]

Homily on the Opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy

In a few moments I will have the joy of opening the Holy Door of Mercy. We carry out this act – as I did in Bangui – so simple yet so highly symbolic, in the light of the word of God which we have just heard. That word highlights the primacy of grace. Again and [...]