Holy Thursday

Holy Week with Pope Francis

At the end of the Palm procession in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis blesses palms and olive branches in front of the Obelisk (photo Grzegorz Galazka) The Liturgical Celebrations of Holy Week Unfolded with No Violent Incidents Despite Fears following the March 22 Terrorist Bombings in Brussels  Pope Francis in his Palm Sunday 2016 [...]

Behind Judas

Pope Francis celebrated the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday evening, 24 March, at a reception centre for people seeking asylum [the Centro di Accoglienza per Richiedenti Asilo, or CARA] in Castelnuovo di Porto. Located just a short distance from Rome, the centre provides temporary lodging and services for nearly 900 asylum seekers from [...]

Letter #6: Norcia on Thursday of Holy Week

Thursday, April 5, 2012 "It is not for man to seek, or even to believe in God. He has only to refuse to believe in everything that is not God. This refusal does not presuppose belief. It is enough to recognize, what is obvious to any mind, that all the goods of this world, past, present, [...]