
Brazen faces

The “religion of appearances” or the “path of humility”? In the homily at Mass in the Chapel of Santa Marta on Tuesday, 11 October, Pope Francis indicated a decisive choice in the life of every Christian: that even when “doing good”, we can indeed meet with a dangerous misunderstanding – which is that of putting ourselves [...]

Pope’s Homily at Mass With Indigenous Community of Chiapas

‘Today’s world, overcome by convenience, needs to learn anew the value of gratitude!’   Li smantal Kajvaltike toj lek – The law of the Lord is perfect; it revives the soul. Thus begins the psalm we have just heard. The law of the Lord is perfect and the psalmist diligently lists everything that the law offers [...]

If You’re Not Humble, You Won’t Be Holy

If you wish to be holy, then you better start by being humble. According to Vatican Radio, Pope Francis stressed this during his daily morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta this morning, as he recalled the story of King David who, aware of his own sin, accepted being humiliated out of his trust in God. 3 [...]