
Letter #23, 2024, Monday, July 8: Viganò Judged

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 83, has been judged by the Vatican guilty of the ecclesiastical crime of schism, incurring the penalty of latae sententiae excommunication from the Catholic Church.     Here below is the full text of the brief communiqué published on Friday, July 5, by the Vatican Press Office (link).     Note: The decision was taken [...]

Pope at Santa Marta: there is God’s mercy but also His anger

In his homily at Mass, Thursday morning, Pope Francis urged Christians to make a daily examination of conscience regarding their actions because no one is sure when and how life will end. Stop for a while to acknowledge our failures, aware that the end can come any moment, and let us not continue living as we [...]

Two pillars

To “forgive” and to“give”: these are the two “pillars” of Christian life and, in particular, of the witness of mercy to which every believer is called. This was the theme of Pope Francis’ catechesis, which took place during the General Audience on Wednesday, 21 September, in St Peter’s Square. The following is a translation of the [...]