
'Jesus came to save us from death'

Pope Francis on Wednesday reminded Christians that Jesus came to heal us and to save us from death. He also prayed for the over 300 victims of a deadly bombing in Somalia's capital Mogadishu and condemned the terrorist attack that falls on an ravaged tortured nation. He was addressing the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square for the Wednesday General [...]

Jesus' peace is real and not the world’s anesthetized peace

True peace is not man-made but a gift of the Holy Spirit.  "A peace without a cross is not the peace of Jesus" for it is only the Lord who can give us peace amidst tribulations. This was the central message of the homily of Pope Francis at Mass, Tuesday morning, in the chapel of the [...]

Pope tells Christians to be witnesses of life and hope

Pope Francis on Sunday told the faithful not to remain trapped in the rubble of life, but to rise from the rubble and rebuild their lives with the help of God. The Pope’s words came during the homily as he celebrated Mass for about 70 thousand people gathered in the central square of Italy’s northern town [...]

Damned are those who don't care for the poor and homeless

The parable of the poor man, Lazarus, lying at the rich man’s door, was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily at the Santa Marta Mass on Thursday morning.  The Pope warned of the risks we run if we have the same uncaring attitude towards the poor and homeless people we see around us today. Reflecting [...]

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