
‘Without the Holy Spirit we are nothing’

During the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis prayed for war ravaged eastern Ukraine and reflected on the Sacrament of Confirmation. "Only the Spirit of Christ can make us "salt that gives taste" and "light that illuminates the world" said Pope Francis during his catechesis on Wednesday morning. He was speaking to the pilgrims gathered in [...]

A double life

St John’s advice to the “adolescent Church” of the first century applies perfectly to us today. Francis thus proposed the content of the Apostle’s First Letter: that we not have a double life and not give in to lies, aware that even as sinners we have a Father who forgives us. This is the reflection the [...]

Anyone who has ears to hear ought to hear.

Pope Francis noted today that a true Christian must give witness to Christ since giving testimony is one of the peculiarities of Christian behavior. The Pope said this during his morning homily today at the Casa Santa Marta, according to Vatican Radio. Part of the congregation was made up of a number of priests who celebrated [...]