November 2015

Vatican Watch

NOVEMBER SUNDAY 1 The Path of the Beatitudes The beatitudes are the most direct path toward happiness and holiness, Pope Francis said during Mass on All Saints’ Day. He urged the congregation to imitate Jesus in walking the difficult, yet rewarding, road to heaven. The Pope said the beatitudes make up “the path of holiness, and [...]

Christ is the Light of the Nations

Pope Paul VI promulgated the Second Vatican Council’s Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, known by its first words Lumen Gentium (“The Light of the Nations”) on November 21, 1964 —51 years ago. What did it say? “Christ is the Light of nations.” —First words of Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, promulgated by Pope [...]

“The Lord Sent Cardinal DiNardo”

Prisoners in a Houston, Texas prison were grateful that, for the first time in history, a Galveston-Houston archbishop visited them at the W.F. Ramsey prison farm. It was the first time in 108 years. Cardinal DiNardo confirmed seven inmates in the Catholic faith... Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, bishop of the Houston-Galveston diocese, is the first cardinal to [...]

Pope Francis Dedicates the Jubilee to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Francis will celebrate the December 12 Feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe in St. Peter’s Square, a prelude to his upcoming 2016 visit to Mexico and her shrine near Mexico City... The Mass that Pope Francis will celebrate December 12 in St. Peter’s Basilica, along with many cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests from Latin America, on [...]

Papal Visit to Three African Countries

“Pope Francis will shake consciences again” Rome journalists Luis Badilla and Antonio Marguccio recently conducted a lengthy interview with Comboni Missionary Fr. Giulio Albanese, veteran Africanist and founder of the Missionary International News Service, on Africa and the Pope’s scheduled visit there. We excerpt it here: Pope Francis will soon visit three countries in Africa: Uganda, [...]