Pavel Florensky

Letter #53, 2016: Rome to Russia

August 29, 2016, Monday -- Rome-Moscow Exchange Intensifies "May the Holy Mother of God, our common heavenly Mother, keep all of us and cover us from all evil.'" —Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, head of the Department of External Relations of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow, speaking to a dozen visitors from Rome, his guests for two [...]

Letter #9: Benedict’s Unfolding Spiritual Testament

February 13, 2013, Wednesday -- Pope Benedict's Unfolding Spiritual Testament as He Prepares to Resign on February 28 “While the Lord continues to raise up examples of radical conversion, like Pavel Florensky, Etty Hillesum and Dorothy Day, he also constantly challenges those who have been raised in the faith to deeper conversion.”—Pope Benedict XVI, at his [...]