
Pope in Ireland

Pope in Ireland: Share Gospel of family as joy for the world Pope Francis’ calls on families to “become a source of encouragement for others” in his homily at Phoenix Park, Dublin, at the conclusion of the World Meeting of Families. Taking his lead from Sunday’s Gospel reading, Pope Francis said Jesus’ words, “with the promise [...]

‘Without the Holy Spirit we are nothing’

During the General Audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis prayed for war ravaged eastern Ukraine and reflected on the Sacrament of Confirmation. "Only the Spirit of Christ can make us "salt that gives taste" and "light that illuminates the world" said Pope Francis during his catechesis on Wednesday morning. He was speaking to the pilgrims gathered in [...]

Works of mercy means sharing suffering of others

Doing works of mercy doesn’t mean just giving coins to assuage our consciences. Rather, it means sharing in the suffering of others, even at personal cost to ourselves. That message was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily on Monday morning at his regular Santa Marta Mass. Reflecting on the first reading from the book of [...]

Pope Francis at Pentecost: new people, new hearts

Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday, the Solemnity of Pentecost, in St. Peter’s Square. Before a crowd of scores of thousands of faithful – many of them pilgrims – gathered beneath a bright and nearly cloudless June sky, the Holy Father preached a homily that turned on two actions of the Holy Spirit, discernible in the [...]

Two Days of Celebrations in St. Peter’s Square

With humor and passion, Pope Francis on the vigil of Pentecost shared highlights of his personal faith journey and explained some key points of his teaching to an enthusiastic crowd of representatives from Catholic lay movements. Celebrating the Pentecost vigil with an estimated 200,000 people singing, chanting and waving their groups’ banners, Pope Francis focused on [...]