
People June-July 2016

Parolin Chooses Cheaper Option when Flying to Vilnius A recent photo shows Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State, as he arrives at the Vilnius airport of Lithuania by a Ryan Air flight. While journeying to Lithuania to serve as a “papal legate” for the National Congress of Mercy, Parolin chose a cheap flight. Of course, [...]

People May 2016

Mother Angelica lies in repose March 29 at the the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama (CNS photo/Jeff Bruno, EWTN) The Vatican Remembers the “Unconventionally Angelic” Mother Angelica After the death of Mother Angelica, founder of EWTN, on March 27 (Easter Sunday), many in and around the Vatican praised the bold [...]

Correggio and Parmigianino

Correggio's "Noli Me Tangere" in the Prado Art in Parma in the 16th Century For the general exhibition-going public, Italian Renaissance art — and especially the art of the 16th century — tends to revolve around three great centers: Florence, Venice, and Rome. Instead, “Correggio and Parmigianino” — on at Rome’s Scuderie until June [...]

People April 2016

Vatican Paper Lauds Spotlight as Brave, Not Anti­-Catholic The film Spotlight, which won the Oscar for best picture on February 28, is a courageous movie that is not anti­-Catholic, the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano said in two articles commenting on the Oscars. Spotlight Italian historian and journalist Lucetta Scaraffia (photo), in an op-­ed titled [...]

Exploring Mother Teresa’s life, from Sister to Saint

Pope Francis has announced that Blessed Mother Teresa, along with three others, will be canonized later in the year, after miracles were recognized for each of them. Mother Teresa was, in her own lifetime, and still remains, one of the most famous people in the world. But who was she, really? And how did she come [...]

People March 2016

Msgr. Peter Wells High-Ranking American in Vatican “Humbled” by Appointment as Nuncio On Tuesday it was announced that Pope Francis has appointed Msgr. Peter Bryan Wells (photo), the highest-ranking American in the Vatican Secretariat of State, as his new ambassador to South Africa and Botswana. “I am extremely humbled and honored by the faith [...]

Pope Francis on Art

In the Vatican Gardens, Pope Francis blesses two new statues by Argentine artist Alejandro Marmo (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano) “Art must not discard anything or anybody. It’s like mercy.” Pope Francis, May 29, 2015 During a recent conversation with Monsignor Jacobone, he mentioned that on Saturday, February 18, 1984, in Rome’s Dominican church, Santa Maria [...]


Dompok named as first Malaysian Ambassador to Vatican Ambassador Dompok and his wife, Diana, being blessed by Pope Francis in 2013 Former Chief Minister of Malaysia Tan Sri Bernard Dompok has been appointed the first Malaysian ambassador to the Vatican. His appointment is expected to begin on January 1, 2016. Dompok was in the [...]

People – August/September 2014

NOMINATIONS Bernardito Auza. Pope Francis has named a Filipino archbishop who helped rebuild the church in Haiti after its devastating January 2010 earthquake, as the Holy See’s representative to the United Nations in New York. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, 55 the nuncio to Haiti, was appointed permanent observer of the Holy See to the United [...]

Honors, Awards, Canonizations & Gifts

AWARDS TIME; the cover of the December 2013 issue. POPE FRANCIS has been named Time magazine’s “PERSON OF THE YEAR” for 2013. He is the third Roman Pontiff to receive this honor after John XXIII in 1962 and John Paul II in 1994. The Head of the Holy See’s Press Office, Jesuit FATHER FEDERICO [...]

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