Robert Spaemann

Letter #67, 2016: The Silent Pope

December 8, 2016, Thursday -- The Silent Pope "This apostolic exhortation contains a number of statements that can be understood in a sense that is contrary to Catholic faith and morals... We request that the Cardinals and Patriarchs petition the Holy Father to condemn the errors... in a definitive and final manner." —Letter to Cardinal Angelo [...]

“It’s Chaos Made into a Principle with the Stroke of a Pen”

“Such a step splits the Church” and “leads her toward schism” Robert Spaemann Robert Spaemann is a professor emeritus of philosophy at the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Monaco of Bavaria. He is one of the leading Catholic philosophers and theologians in Germany.   This following is my own translation of the interview on Amoris [...]

Letter #44, 2016: The Three Positions

May 16, 2016, Monday -- The Three Positions (And Now Four) On Amoris Laetitia The text below is the Editorial in the May edition of Inside the Vatican, which is just out. (To obtain a copy of the issue or to subscribe for one or more years, click here. We welcome new subscribers, of course. If [...]

Letter #37, 2016: The Danger of Schism

April 28, 2016, Thursday -- A Prominent German Theologian Warns of the Danger of Schism "That it is a rupture is something that is seems obvious to any person capable of thinking who reads the texts in question." —Prof. Robert Spaemann, 89, a leading German Catholic philosopher, in an interview yesterday on the Pope's document Amoris [...]

Letter #17, 2015: The News Stories Keep Coming

May 23, 2015, Saturday — Thinking about Francis The news stories keep coming: — the Irish referendum yesterday on marriage (the Irish voted "Yes," to allow same-gender marriage); — the upcoming papal encyclical on the environment (June); — preparations for the Pope's trip to Cuba and the USA (September); — the "Bishops' Synod, Part #2" (October); [...]