
Penetrating analysis by Dr. Robert Moynihan.

The Synod on Synodality is (finally) over

By Christina Deardurff, with agency reports October 29, 2023, Vatican Basilica. Pope Francis presides over the Holy Mass for the conclusion of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (Photo: Grzegorz Galazka) As the Vatican’s nearly monthlong Synod on Synodality drew to its October 29 conclusion, the 365 assembled cardinals, bishops, priests, [...]

A new Papal document provokes controversy

By now, gallons of ink have been spilled in an effort to come to grips with Pope Francis’ July 2021 motu proprio (“on his own initiative”) letter to the world’s bishops placing new and dramatic restrictions on the celebration of the pre-1970 Mass (variously called the “Traditional Latin Mass” — TLM, or the “Extraordinary Rite” as [...]

Fratelli Tutti: A new encyclical that seems to “break the mold”

By ITV staff Interpreting Pope Francis' Newest Encyclical on "Social Friendship" Pope Francis repeatedly makes it clear, in his documents and his talks, his recorded remarks at secular events and interviews with atheist journalists, that he is a Pope for the whole world. “Jesus did not come to earth just for Catholics,” he seems to say, [...]

Do We Have A “Parallel Church”?

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has sparked a new discussion of what Vatican II has done to the Church — and whether the Council can be salvaged By Christina Deardurff Since gaining celebrity in 2018 as a “whistleblower” of sorts in the sexual abuse case of the ebullient and influential American prelate, then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop Carlo [...]

Vatican II and the Work of the Spirit

His has been a severe-grace, but also a beneficent-grace By Thomas G. Weinandy, OFM, Capuchin Mass opening the third Worldwide Priests' Retreat at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, a gathering promoted by the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Recently, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó and others have expressed their concerns about the present state of the [...]

Was Vatican II Really the “Seed of Error”?

Or was it "a truth only half-received?" By John Cavadini, Ph. D. Ecumenism during the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000   In a statement dated June 20, 2020, Archbishop Viganò reduces the Second Vatican Council to a seedbed of contemporary error animated by the spirit of “Masonry.” I sympathize with his frustrations with regard [...]

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