
What is really your “Mammon”? (It is not simply your money)

Money is just one of the things we serve in place of God By Anthony Esolen Christ and the Rich Young Man, painted in 1889 by Heinrich Hofmann (1824-1911) “No one can serve two lords,” says Jesus. “He will hate the one and love the other, or cleave to the one and despise the [...]

Pope at Audience: Life is a time for giving, not possessing

Continuing his catechesis on the Ten Commandments, Pope Francis at his General Audience on Wednesday focused on the Seventh Word: You shall not steal. In his catechesis, Pope Francis notes that there is no culture that does not condemn theft and the misuse of our possessions. But, he says, it is worthwhile to reflect more deeply [...]

The Pope invites the faithful to open their ears and their hearts to God’s Word

During his catechesis at the weekly General Audience Pope Francis told those present that Christians need to be constantly open to and challenged by the Word of God. Pope Francis invited the faithful to place themselves in silent openness to God’s saving message as it resounds in the ecclesial assembly and is a fundamental aspect of God’s [...]

On God Coming to Meet Us

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! The account of today’s Gospel brings us again, like last Sunday, to the synagogue of Nazareth, the town in Galilee where Jesus grew up as part of a family and where everyone knew him. He has returned for the first time after having gone out to begin his public life [...]