Shroud of Turin

Was the Shroud’s First-Century Origin Really Debunked?

Pope Francis prays before the actual Shroud of Turin during a showing in Turin in 2015 New Exposé Reveals Carbon Dating Labs’ — and Church’s — Errors and Contradictions By Jim Bertrand Longtime Shroud of Turin researcher Joseph Marino has just released his latest book in which he has compiled the most comprehensive [...]

Letter #59, 2016: The Face of Christ and Unity

September 18, 2016, Sunday -- The Face of Christ and Unity "Seeking the Face of Jesus must be the longing of all of us Christians... If we persevere in our quest for the Face of the Lord, at the end of our earthly pilgrimage, he, Jesus, will be our eternal joy, our reward and glory for [...]

The Angelus before the Shroud of Turin

Before Angelus: At the end of this celebration, our thoughts turn to the Virgin Mary, loving mother and caring towards all her children whom Jesus entrusted to Her on the Cross, while He offered Himself in the act of greatest love. The icon of this love is the Shroud, which also, this time, has attracted so [...]