
Three graces

“To recognize spiritual desolation, to pray when we experience this state of spiritual desolation and to know how to accompany people who are suffering difficult times of sadness and spiritual desolation”. In his homily at the Mass he celebrated at Santa Marta on Tuesday morning, 27 September, Pope Francis recommended that we ask the Lord for [...]

Letter #107: Christmas Eve, Pope Francis meets with Pope Benedict

It is a lovely, cool December evening in Rome, the eve of Christmas. Cold, but not bitter cold. And still clear, not raining. Pope Francis will soon celebrate the birth of Jesus, 2013 years ago, above the tomb of Peter, in the great basilica.   It is a quiet evening... a "silent" night...   The other [...]

Letter #36: Silence

March 6, 2013, Wednesday -- Silence Silence, of a sort, has descended over the meeting of the cardinals in the lead-up to the Conclave. The American cardinals today canceled their scheduled press conference at the North American College -- the NAC, as it is called, on the Janiculum Hill just above the Vatican. Cardinal Timothy Dolan [...]