St. Peter’s Basilica

The joyful “parish priest” of St. Peter’s welcomes “jagged humanity”

Every day, he says, a curtain opens on each of the thousands of characters that inhabit St. Peter's Text by Christina Deardurff - Photos by Grzegorz Galazka Although St. Peter’s Basilica is the church most closely associated with the Pope (in his office as Pope, as well as geographically — he lives in its shadow), it [...]

Pope urges defence and promotion of Latin American, Caribbean richness and diversity

The mother of God is a figure of the Church from whom we want to learn ‎to be a Church that embraces all the richness and cultural diversity of the people of Latin America and the Caribbean, where no one  feels ashamed or small. Pope Francis’ exhortation came in his homily at an evening Mass on to commemorate the feast of Our Lady [...]

World Day of the Poor: they open for us the way to heaven

Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday – the XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time and the first-ever World Day of the Poor – in St. Peter’s Basilica. The Holy Father announced the World Day of the Poor during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, and entrusted its organization and promotion to the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization. There were [...]

'Our faith makes us men and women of hope'

Pope Francis on Friday celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica for all those Cardinals and Bishops who have died over the past year. During his homily the Pope reflected on the reality of death, but he also reminded us of the promise of eternal life which is grounded in our union with the risen Christ. “Today’s celebration, Pope Francis said, [...]

Letter #59, 2016: The Face of Christ and Unity

September 18, 2016, Sunday -- The Face of Christ and Unity "Seeking the Face of Jesus must be the longing of all of us Christians... If we persevere in our quest for the Face of the Lord, at the end of our earthly pilgrimage, he, Jesus, will be our eternal joy, our reward and glory for [...]

Ecumenism of choirs

A prayer in Chinese “for persecuted Christians” and that all political leaders might work towards justice and peace. This characterized the Mass Pope Francis celebrated in St Peter’s Basilica on Wednesday morning, 29 June, the solemnity of the Patron Saints of Rome. After the Mass, the Holy Father personally conveyed the pallium to 22 new Metropolitan [...]

Monsignor Iacobone: Editor and Author

035_arca The volume La Basilica di San Pietro is whose brainchild? Mons. Pasquale Iacobone: Our friends at the publisher FMR/UTET, Dr. Fabio Lazzari and Marco Castelluzzo, proposed the idea because they had access to an exceptional corpus of photographs of St. Peter’s by Aurelio Amendola. It included photographs he’d taken in the past, in [...]

“Christmas Is Time to Feel God’s Closeness, Experience Peace”

Pope Francis waves a he delivers his Christmas blessing (to the city and the world) form the central balcony at St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican December 25. At St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis celebrates his first solemn Christmas midnight Mass as pontiff.  Celebrating the first Christmas since his election, Pope Francis preached the [...]

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