
Pope at Mass: Martyrdom doesn’t make the news

At Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope comments on the day’s Gospel, saying that the Church is made manifest “in the Eucharist and in good works.” The Church grows “in simplicity, in silence, in praise, in the Eucharistic sacrifice, in fraternal community, where all are loved,” and none are rejected. That was the message [...]

Pope Francis at Pentecost: new people, new hearts

Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Sunday, the Solemnity of Pentecost, in St. Peter’s Square. Before a crowd of scores of thousands of faithful – many of them pilgrims – gathered beneath a bright and nearly cloudless June sky, the Holy Father preached a homily that turned on two actions of the Holy Spirit, discernible in the [...]

How to respond to temptation

· In the weakness of temptation, we must avoid entering into dialogue with the devil, and instead have the courage to pray and to ask forgiveness in order to pick ourselves up and go forward, not to hide from the Lord, but to seek his grace. · During Mass at Santa Marta on Friday, 10 February, [...]

You Are Not God’s ‘Employees,’ Pope Reminds Religious

During Mass in Morelia, Also Warns Against One of Devil’s Favorite Weapons to Overcome Us. Religious and consecrated are not God’s employees, nor are administrators of the divine. However, they are to always turn to Our Father in prayer and not fall victim to temptation.   The Pope stressed this during his homily at the Mass [...]