Vincenzo Paglia

Vatican Watch

By Becky Derks with CNA Reports – Grzegorz Galazka and CNA photos November Wednesday 13 Vatican Museums opens exhibit with newly restored Renaissance Marian paintings The Vatican Museums opened an exhibit of recently restored paintings of the Virgin Mary by early Renaissance painter Carlo Crivelli. “The Vatican painting gallery has the privilege of having three large [...]

New JPII Pontifical Institute for Matrimonial & Family Sciences releases statement

The newly-created John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Matrimonial and Family Sciences on Tuesday released a statement regarding Pope Francis' Motu Proprio Datae summa familiae cura. The Motu Proprio was released on Tuesday, establishing the Institute to carry forward the work of the two recent Synods of Bishops and the Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The 'media notes' statement is signed [...]

Letter #47, 2015: From Russia to Rome

October 23, 2015, Friday — From Russia to Rome "The word mother can be traced back cleanly to Proto-Indo-European, as can father, brother and sister -- it appears in cognate form in languages like Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, and so forth, and it may go back further." —Discussion of the origin of the word "mother" on an [...]