Way of the Cross

Pope at General Audience: ‘WYD was joyful feast for Panama’

In the catechesis portion of his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis thanks God and all those who helped make World Youth Day in Panama a success. Fresh from his Apostolic Journey to Panama, Pope Francis relived World Youth Day with the pilgrims present at the Wednesday General Audience. One of the things that really struck him [...]

New Books Detail Vatican Leaks and Financial Scandals

There may be two sides to accusations of misappropriation  and waste Two books, entitled Avarice by Emiliano Fittipaldi, a journalist with the Italian weekly newspaper L’Espresso, and Way of the Cross by Gianluigi Nuzzi, a panelist on the Italian television talk show Mediaset, both published in early November in Europe, claim to reveal that the donations [...]