ITV Staff

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So far ITV Staff has created 329 blog entries.

From ‘falling in love’ to mature love: Pope Francis’ message for engaged couples

(CNS photo/Yara Nardi, Reuters) December 1, 2021 Continuing his catechesis on St Joseph, Pope Francis offered engaged couples a reflection on moving beyond the ‘enchantment’ that comes with falling in love, toward a mature love that can stand the test of time. By Christopher Wells Pope Francis offered his catechesis at Wednesday’s General Audience as a message for [...]

Pope: Those who do good are investing in eternity

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) November 14, 2021 Pope Francis reflects on the transient nature of material goods and physical appearances and invites the faithful to base their lives on the Word of God. By Linda Bordoni Taking his cue from the Gospel passage of the day, Pope Francis explained that Jesus tells us that everything [...]

Pope at Audience: Walking according to the Spirit makes us free

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) November 10, 2021 Pope Francis concludes his General Audience catechetical series on the Letter to the Galatians highlighting how the Apostle Paul teaches that "the fulfillment of the true Law is found in this life of the Spirit given to us by Jesus." And the life of the Spirit "can only [...]

Pope at Angelus: We are called to strive for sincerity

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) November 7, 2021 Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel reading at the Angelus, Pope Francis says “we must watch out for” those who live their faith with duplicity, so as not to become like them; whereas we must “watch” the sincerity of the widow, described in today's reading, whose humble love for [...]

Pope at Audience: Believing in Jesus means following Him

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) November 3, 2021 Continuing his catechesis on St Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, Pope Francis explains what it means “to walk in the Spirit.” By Christopher Wells “To believe in Jesus means to follow Him,” Pope Francis said at Wednesday’s General Audience, adding, “At the same time, it means avoiding the [...]

Pope on All Saints: Beatitudes show path to holiness & happiness

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) November 1, 2021 On the Solemnity of All Saints Pope Francis leads the recitation of the Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's Square reflecting on how the Beatitudes show us the path that leads to the Kingdom of God and to happiness. To be a saint, he says, is to walk on [...]

Pope at Angelus: May our love for God and neighbour resound in us

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) October 31, 2021 At the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis calls on us to repeat Jesus' words and truly endeavour "to Love God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind and with all our strength and my neighbour as myself”. By Vatican News staff writer Greeting pilgrims [...]

Pope Francis: Love alone attracts and changes the human heart

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) October 27, 2021 At the General Audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis reflects on the fruits of the Holy Spirit. By Christopher Wells Saint Paul reminds the Galatians – and us – that the centre of salvation and faith is the death and resurrection of the Lord, Pope Francis said at Wednesday’s General [...]

Pope: Be courageous and turn to God with all your heart

CNS photo/Vatican Media October 24, 2021 Pope Francis encourages us to pray to the Lord, like Bartimaeus in Sunday's Gospel reading, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” And may we repeat it often with concrete, insistent and courageous faith. By Vatican News staff writer In his reflections before leading the recitation of the [...]

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